Kern's Holler Contrarian

Tater's makin a big old bucket of Bolognese sauce -- well, Marlene's makin it, but Tater was in charge of the choppin and stirrin. Marlene usually does that because she knows the recipe, but she's up in Humbert gettin some rat poison. The meat part of the recipe calls for sausage, bacon, beef and liver, but Tater couldn't find no liver so he bought him a big old kidney. "Guts is guts", that's what Charlie down to the slaughterhouse says to Tater, and Tater agreed. He always thought liver and kidney both tasted a lot alike, except for the texture.

Well sir, Tater grilled that kidney and he chopped it up and threw it in that pot of tomaters and onions and celery and carrots and wine and garlic and basil and beef and sausage and bacon, and he let it set on the fire for five hours yesterday, and it's been goin an hour on the fire today.

Tater goes to taste a spoon, and wouldn't you know it, it tastes like damned kidneys. Tater didn't chop em up fine enough. Appears that the liver gets all mushy and dissolves in that sauce and gives it a special Italian flavor that you can't quite tell what it is, but them kidneys don't get all mushy, no matter how long you boil em. So each time Tater goes to stir that pot, he reaches in and grabs the big chunks of kidney and eats em. Now that's fine with Tater, cause he likes him some kidneys, and that sauce all around them soaked in and made them little chunks taste like theys regular food, and not just some little gut chunks floatin around and ruinin everything.

Anyhow, got Tater to thinkin, what's them kidneys up to down in your belly anyhow? They's the things that pick out what ain't  good enough for pee and toss em into the poop bin. Now why in hell would any reasonable folk want to eat something like that? Don't know, but once you get you a taste for something, be it raw fish or stinky cheese or some kinda guts, there ain't no arguin with your taste bugs. And you boil em up in some wine and garlic, why, that ain't guts no more, that's cuisine.