Crazy Joe's message to y'all #1
Crazy Joe's message to y'all
Doctor, Doctor, I took a bow saw and cut off more tree limbs in a couple hours to give my Garden more light, than I had all summer, and though I got nauseated and had to set down, I did not get exhausted like normal as my Brother in Law said, wow, I have never seen your eyes get that white! Oh, Oh, just like when the Psychiatrist Doctor Koo altered my Liver Functions with Processed Corn Starch that changed my eyesight so much, they would not give me my six inch magnifying glass so that I could adjust it to see as my eyesight changed, while they made three different sets of Glasses that did not work by the time I had gotten them because her Medication changed my Liver Functions that much that it effected my eyesight, 80% of what was causing my damaged eyes to not work right then, just cleared up. That is why Dr Koo and Doctor Smith kept denying me the COPEGASYS treatment for my Liver, so that they could watch me suffer as much as possible while they destroyed years of my life deliberately, because I told them all the symptoms in my Body and my Damaged Brain and Damaged Sinus and my Damaged Eyes were all effected by my Liver, and Corn Syrup and Corn Starch, I did not know that there was Corn Starch in the Medications, but because the Medications always altered my Liver Functions and hurt me, I had my Family Pressure them to Run Simultaneous Liver Functions, which are now absolute evidence that the Medications with Processed Corn Starch in them have always been the Problem like the first VA Neurologist told me stop taking he Medications, because it was the Medications that the Psychiatrists were giving me that were making me more dysfunctional, and I was right when they deliberately dismissed everything I was saying as impossible, and Deliberately Medically Misdiagnosed me as Delusional, so that they could continue to deny me the proper medical treatment that I needed and requested, while they Medically Maltreat me, repeatedly causing me disabling harm, and severe pain and severe suffering just to satisfy their Ego as the Professionals that are the Law, like as Doctor Koo said, “Behind the White Coat, there is a Black Coat,” referring to the Judges who accept her Medical Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment as the falsely so called “Processionals Opinion,” that the Courts are too scared to speak against when they are deliberately using the Courts to cause People disabling Harm, and I am not the only one that they deliberately disabled, I personally eye witnessed them disabling thousands, whose only Problem was and is the Processed Corn Starch in their Medications and in the Food. Oh, I forgot, I can also smell and taste things now that I have not been able to smell or taste in years, and it was your Medical Maltreatment that was robbing me of Life.
When I buy Beans, I read the Labels, some have Corn Syrup added, and some have Corn Starch added, and since I have adverse reactions to both, I buy one that don’t have either. Some Products say Whole Corn Added, that has a different healthier effect on me. They are all Beans, but what is added to some makes me sicker than others. The Medical Staff and Doctors and Pharmacists in the Past just argued with me when I told them I was allergic to Processed Corn Starch, not Natural Corn, and every Medication that they handed me, I had adverse reactions to them, and here it is that every Medication that I had an adverse Reaction to, has Processed Corn Starch in it. Some Drug Manufactures add less Processed Corn Starch to their Penicillin, and I don’t have real sever diverse reactions to it, though it makes it nearly impossible for me to sleep, and it gives me mild cramps, and I just cannot relax my muscles. Other Drug Manufactures add more Processed Corn Starch and add other Inert Ingredients, and I have real severe adverse reactions like severe Headaches that they always have called Migraine Headaches, diverse types of Seizures, and severe muscle cramps that tear my Body apart, and Red Rashes that develop through my Repertory System while destroying the Mucus Lining of my Lungs and the Mucus Lining of my Sinus Cavity. And I have coming and going episodes of PSTD, where I start pacing back and forth and Hysterically Laughing at what I am thinking, or of what someone says, and keep repeating over and over what I thought or what someone said, and if I can manage to fall asleep, I have terrifying dreams of times when I was hurt the most by People, and when I wake up, I repeatedly get angry at them for having caused me so much pain, and it drives me to figuring out ways to stop them from hurting me again. And when Medical Staff and Doctors and Pharmacists cannot tell me what is in the Inert Ingredients of each different Brand of Penicillin like the Grocery Store can tell me what is in each different Brand of canned Beans, so that it does not cause me harm again in the Future, there is a serious Problem.
On a Series of X-rays done by Dr Dexter in Blaine MN, I endured the extreme Pain caused to me by the Medications, one Medication at a time for ten days, while have a Strep Throat with visible white puss pockets, and in each ten day course the Antibiotics failed to take out the returning Strep Throat because the Infection Lodged in my Damaged Sinus Cavity was never taken out by the Antibiotics, and my Immune System was attacking itself making me bed ridden the entire time I was infected, which was causing my Lymph Nodes and Prostate Gland to become so swollen that it was cutting off circulation to my Limbs, while the Inert Ingredients in the Medication accelerated my Headache from a 0 to a 10 in a flash, and was like taking a massive hit of LSD, and the cramps nearly ripped me apart, and it triggered a Patricidal Complex Seizure Disorder, and the Medical Staff and Doctors and Pharmacists cannot get me what the Inert Ingredients are from the Generic Drug Manufacturer Sandoz, that caused me all the added Pain and Body Damage and Suffering, there is a Problem.
The only Products in the Entire Multitude of Large Grocery Markets, like Cub Foods, Target, Wal-Mart, etc, and the different chains of Quick Shop Gas Stations in the area, that I cannot find a Brand that does not have Corn Starch, or Corn Syrup in it, is Ketchup and Powdered Coffee Creamer, and which using just these Two, if I eat too much, makes me so wired I cannot sleep, and cannot relax my Muscles that increases with the increased intake of Corn Starch or Corn Syrup, and I start to get diverse Body Cramps that increase with the increased intake of Corn Starch or Corn Syrup, and I have mild Headaches that increase with the increased intake of Corn Starch or Corn Syrup, and mild episodes of a Partial Complex Seizure Disorder that increases with the increased intake of Corn Starch or Corn Syrup, and I have coming and going episodes of an unknown form of Hypoglycemia that get worse depending on what is mixed with the Corn Syrup or Corn Starch, and as the stress increases with the increase intake of Corn Starch and or Corn Syrup, my smoking increasing to try to relive the stress, just like it does with all the Mental Health Care Patients as the Doctors force upon them a sudden increase or sudden decreased dosage of Corn Starch. But if I just use a little of them for a few weeks, though as the intake level of Corn Search or Corn Syrup decreases, I have painful withdraws similar to the increase side, when it decreases to a lower point and levels off, my muscles relax so much that the Hamstring on my Right leg loosens up, I have no more acute episodes of Hypoglycemia, Headaches or Seizures, and what the Doctors have repeatedly called a Bakers Cyst, disappears, and I can finally sleep whenever I want to. While on an increased Dosage of Corn Starch or Corn Syrup, I get sicker off Gluten than normal, and eating Pinto Beans and Refried Beans right out of the can without cooking them, seems to lessen the adverse effects of Corn Starch or Corn Syrup, and builds up my strength so that I can get up and mow the Lawn or Weed my Garden or Pot Plants or clean my apartment, and makes it so I can think and express myself better.
Because my intake of Corn Starch is too high right now causing me Problems, I am trying to avoid any Intake of it from any source but my Medicine. If when I come off the 333 MG Tabs of Erythromycin that Contain Corn Starch, I increase the Intake of Corn Starch from Coffee Creamer and or Ketch-up a little, it will lessen the withdrawals, and allow me to lower the Intake Level Gradually with the Ketchup and or Coffee Creamer, to lessen the withdrawals. I can do the same thing with the COPEYSYS in 42 weeks.
With my Intake of Corn Starch at this rate of COPEYSYS and Erythromycin and Coffee Creamer at its current Level, a 10 MG Tab of ZOLPIDEM a Day, which also adds Corn Starch, allows me to have a dreamless sleep about three to four hours a day.
Because I did not have to go through the whole Regimens of Antibiotics this time, and only had adverse side effects from a total of 4ec 875 MG Tab of Generic Amoxicillin from Fairview Pharmacy, taken as Prescribed by Dr Edman with an IM Shot of Penicillin, the Penicillin took out the Strep Bacteria, and some other Types of Bad Bacteria, and some Good Bacteria, but this time the Amoxicillin did not take out as much of the Bad and or Good Bacteria as it did the last time when I finished the entire Ten Day Course of Generic Penicillin V 500 MG Tab from Cub Pharmacy, after a Ten Day Course of Generic Amoxicillin 500 MG Capsule from Cub Pharmacy, after a Ten Day Course of Azithromycin Tab 500 Mg Tab from Cub Pharmacy, even though I was having adverse side effects to the Generic Inert Ingredients from Sandoz, along with their Generic Penicillin that seemed to spread the Infection like as recorded on Dr Dexter’s X-rays. In fact, thinking about how much pain I was in the entire time with my Immune System attacking itself and simultaneously suffering the adverse side effects triggered an acute episode of PSTD where I could not stop getting up and pacing back and forth and hysterically laughing about what happened and the Nutty Medical Staff and Doctors and Palmists that cannot even comprehend what happened and figure out how to prevent it from happening again, since my Medical Record show that from 1982 onward, one antibiotic at a time like that, has never taken out my Strep Bacteria Infections, and I always ended up either finally finding a Doctor to give me Penicillin to take out the Infection, or ending up passed out in a Hospital being given Two Antibiotics by IV to wake me up from a Strep Bacteria Infection, while each time that they failed to take out the Bacteria, all my Previous Medical Conditions progressively got worse and more painful each time.
The only two Possibilities that the Strep Throat immediately reappeared after each Ten Day Course, is One The Stronger Strains of Strep Bacteria was not killed off in my Right Sinus Cavity by the One Antibiotic at a time, until I got Real Penicillin, or the Antibiotics were completely Frauds. Because even though the Inert Ingredients caused serious bad side effects, if the Chemical Structure of the Antibiotics were the same as the Brands with Inert Ingredients that did not cause as serious of bad side effects, it should have removed as much Bacteria as the others, the other times, when the Penicillin took out the Infections even though they had bad side effects, but this falsely so called Penicillin did not take out the Infection, as shown on Dr Dexter’s X-rays, I had to get One IM Penicillin Shot, and then another later, to allow the damaged Right Sinus Cavity time to heal so that it would not become infected again right away, along with the Left Sinus Cavity that became so damaged by the Rash forming from the Inert Ingredients through my Repertory System, that it became more infected than the Damaged Right Sinus Cavity.
So right now, to try to relieve the Symptoms of an acute episode of PSTD, I though about eating some fruit, so I went to the cupboard that my Sister helped stock with canned Food from the Food Bank. I went to the Fruit cans, and the first one was Mother’s Maid Apple Souse. The Label says it contains Corn Syrup, so I throw that out of the cupboard and grab Richfield Orchard Fruit Cocktail, and there is no Corn Starch or Corn Syrup in it, so after I eat it and drink some water, I will let you know if it works.
Umm, so far it is not helping, but what I was thinking before. One IM Penicillin takes out the Strep Type Bacteria than normally Triggers my Immune System to attack itself, and keeps me from having to endure a lot of pain till I can get Penicillin to take it out. And taking Erythromycin simultaneously with the IM Penicillin takes out many other Types of Bacteria that Penicillin cannot take out. But Penicillin and Erythromycin do not take out some Types of Bacteria that Amoxicillin takes out. That is why I was thinking I may soon actually need Amoxicillin, because all of a sudden, I have an acute episode of Flu Like Symptoms along with the acute PSTD episode which is just now disappearing, so I think the Fruit and Water worked because that is what I wanted it to do. At least I am in no pain like when I get a Strep Bacteria Infection, that is, if these Flu like Symptoms are the beginning of a different Type Bacterial Infection, I am getting Stroke like Symptoms, with a tingling in my left arm and side, but that happens a lot when the damaged right lobe of my brain does not get enough oxygen, which may have been caused by the acute episode of PSTD, but more likely by the Flu like Symptoms as my Sinus began draining then stopped up. For the first Time since I started the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS, I am so tired, and out of energy, I am going to fall asleep with out the sleeping pills, this is also the first time that I had an awake acute episode of PSTD since I began, the others happened as I was waking up. Oops, similar to the other day when I went to the Emergency Room, except this time with absolutely no pain, if feels like a warm calm coming over me as the limbs of my body start shutting down, I am more exhausted than I was the other day. What is the Cause? What I think, this may be symptoms caused by the fact that normally when I increase an intake of Corn Starch, it raises my Liver Functions, but the Medication is lowering my Liver Functions, and the Corn Starch is trying to raise it. Also it could be a Combination of the Medication lowering my Liver Functions, and my cutting out any extra Corn Starch also lowering my Liver Functions. How do you test for that? A lot more acute Symptoms of a Stroke with sharp pain in my left arm. The Body limb Shutdown is not going as far as it did the other day, and it does not feel the same way, the bones do not feel like they are being squashed in a vice, and though they feel weighted down, they do no feel hard like a roc, they fluctuate from feeling weighted down to feeling like I am floating on air, and now I feel better than I have in years, asymptomatic on every previous medical condition. The bump that appeared like a Bakers Cyst on the Right Leg just shrank to five times less the size when the Doctor saw it, but still feels hard like a rock in the Popliteal Cavity when I press against it, now I have the strongest urge ever to want o relive myself, so I got to go. Well, what pleasant surprise, I was expecting to fight against pain, but I could urinate and pass a stool without having to fight any pain, for the first time in years, and now I think and communicate easier than I could in years, and I no longer have to struggle to take the next step, I just walk without any pains. Well, what now? I am going to work in my Yard, awhile, and go fishing, there is a fish out in Lake Orono at the edge of the Yard, that broke my line five times, and now I have a forty pound test line and steal leaders, and there is no way he is going to break my line this time!
End note 2:07 Pm Monday September 7th
The Law will neither find out what Inert Ingredients almost killed me, nor will they protect me from being given those same harmful Inert Ingredients
I got up enough strength to mow the half of our Lawn on this side of the Street, and the City Lot, and do a little weeding in my Garden before I started coughing up white mucus, with sharp pains around my right Lung, and real sore rib cages from the coming and going cramps, like I got the first time I was given Generic Antibiotics that broke me out in a Rash, when it damaged my Lungs and Sinus, so I know it will be about two to three weeks before I really begin to recover from the damage caused by the Generic Drug. The Medical Staff and Doctors and Pharmacists have left me totally Vulnerable to thee Drugs that have Inert Ingredients that they claim that they have no way of knowing what is in them, but they claim that if I knew what was in them, I could give it to them and they would check my new Prescriptions and make sure I was not given those Inert Ingredients again. The thing is they cannot tell me what the Manufacture put in these Inert Ingredients that are different than other Manufacturers, and they gave me this Medication, so how are they going to know what Medications have these Inert Ingredients in them, if they don’t know what these Inert Ingredients are? It was and is a deliberate Murder Attempt, and the County Sheriff said because I took it willfully, it was not a Murder attempt, but I did not take Processed Corn Starch from them willingly, they did not tell me it was in the Medication, I was trying to get them to find out why I have adverse reactions to Processed Corn Starch, and he tells me the Statute of Limitation on attempted murder has run out on the first case here at Mercy Hospital and or Rockland New York State Hospital and or KC VA! These jerks that will not right any wrong done by their regulations that allow the Media and Medical Community to get away with deliberately causing someone bodily harm while having unjustly taken his Liberty, allowing them to destroy anyone’s Life that they want to set up and destroy at will, and because they will not right the wrong and prevent it from happening again, they want War!
I discovered what relieves me of the pain caused by Processed Corn Starch accidentally when I was stranded in a Desert for eight days without any Food or Water, after having been repeatedly treated with antibiotics that failed to take out my Strep Infection, I had just been released from a Hospital where I had been treated with IV Penicillin and another Antibiotic to revive me from the Strep Throat Infection, about two or three weeks earlier, from which the earlier treatment with repeated failing Ten Day Courses of Antibiotics that I did not known then, had Processed Corn Starch in them that causes my Cramps and Headaches, so I was having severe Cramps and a Headache from the Medication and did not know it, and I was so disoriented I got lost in a desert somewhere, hitchhiking to a new Construction Job. The grain Trucks had dropped dried shell corn here and there along the desert road, and shell corn was the only thing that I could find fit to eat, and every time I saw a cornel of Corn, I picked it up till both my pockets and my stomach was full, and that is all I had to eat for eight days. I found an empty Tropicana Fruit Drink Jar by an Oil Well that had an artesian well next to it the third day walking down the road, and because it was the only source of Water out there, I decided to wait there by the road until someone came by, no one came by the whole eight days. But together the Shell Corn and Water made me healthier than I had been in a long time. After that, the last two years, when I found I would get cramps from the Processed Corn Starch in my Food, I would stop eating the processed Corn Starch and start eating Raw Corn or Shell Corn and drinking water to get rid of the pains from the Cramps. A bread delivery truck that was heading the other way the first day I was out there, came eight days later going the other way, and the driver stopped and said, “Are you the guy that was out here eight days ago?” And when I said yes, he said, “My God, you must be starving to death by now, it is 42 miles to the nearest Town, here eat this!” And he handed me packages of Cinnamon Rolls that contain Gluten which I am normally allergic to, I was hungry enough I ate it and washed it down with some Water from the Fruit Drink Bottle, and now I remember I did not get sick off the Gluten like normal, or like when I am taking Medications now. But the driver asked me, “where did you get that out here?” Talking about the Bottle of Water, and I pointed off to a speck in the desert, and said right there, that is an Oil Well that I heard working, and thought someone was out there the third day I was out here, and I found this Bottle and an artesian well next to it, and I have been walking back and forth filling it with water when I needed it, and I emptied out what shell corn was left from my Pockets and told him that is all that I could find out here to eat.
My Neighbor’s Lawn Malignance Man was bringing me extra Lawn Clippings every week so that I could Mulch my Garden better than with just the Lawn Clipping that I get off my Yard and the City Lot next door. I had chopped down all the Poison Ivey Vines from the City Lot Next Door, and from this Yard, and chopped off all the wild Grape Vines and pruned all the Trees, and dug up both my Garden by hand, and a Lilly Flower Bed for the City lot next door, and passer bys and even the Police would stop and comment on how big of an improvement I had made to this place, and the City lot.
Today again I tried to get up enough energy to mo the Lawn an Mulch my Garden, the Neighbor’s Lawn Maintenance Man new was too sick from getting an adverse reaction to the Inert Ingredients in the Medication I was deliberately given by Dr Edman, who also gave an overdose of the wrong combination of Antibiotics at the same time, so he brought me extra Lawn Clippings so that I would not have to waist my energy emptying the Mulch bag of my Lawn Mower. Because I was not trying to Mulch the Lawn today, and was just mowing it I made twice as many rounds as Yesterday before becoming too out of breath and shaking to keep going. It will take me at least another two days to mow the entire Lawn that I normally Mowed and collected the Mulch for my Garden and spread it on my Garden, all in about six to eight hours before I became medicated again. After I became Medicated, I could no longer keep things organized so that I could find what I need, when I needed it, my Sister came over several times and cleaned up my apartment some, but because I could not figure out where she put things, I would then get everything disorganized again trying to find what I need. I normally fix my own equipment, but when the Lawn Mower Bolt that hold the Lawn Mower Blade broke because I had hit a Rock, I barely had enough strength and coordination to collect the right tools to drill out and tap the shaft for a larger Bolt, so I had to have a friend who had a Welder do the spot welding to make sure it would not come loose again. It works fine, the shaft was not bent, like I thought before when it happened, it was just the Bolt wobbling before it finished breaking off. When I first started I had hit some junk in the tall grass here that completely bent the Old Lawn Mower Blade, and it messed up the Bolt and Bolt Hole Enough, that with the new blade it Wobbled some, and when I hit just a Golf Ball size Rock, it completely bent the Bolt and broke it off.
I need to report three Medications that nearly killed me, and I cannot get the Medical Staff or the Doctors or Palmists to get the exact inert ingredients that I had extremely painful adverse reactions to, to write them in my Medical Records so that they are not given to me again, instead they just list me allergic to the only medications that can save my life and or cure me of Hepatitis C, I cannot get it to the FDA because they always say on the Recording that the Phone lines are Busy, and they do not take messages and to call back later, and when I try to report it at their WWW.FDA.Gov website, I cannot get the Page to come up to report adverse Reactions to Medications
Sudden Extremely Painful Muscle Cramps that Cause and or Look like Cysts, are caused by a sudden increase and or sudden decrease of the intake of Processed Corn Starch in the Person’s System, from starting or stopping Medications that have Processed Corn Starch in their Inert Ingredients.
One important thing I forgot to tell some of my Doctors here, like my GI Doctor, when they asked what Type of Operations that I have had, I forgot to tell them because my muscles keep cramping and pulling so hard against each other, I form Cysts that they would operate on and take out. One they took out at the Kansas City VA, and the other at Rockland the New York State Hospital. A sudden Increase and or Sudden decrease of the Intake of Processed Corn Starch in my System, not only makes me so wired that I cannot sleep for days, it makes my Muscles so tight, that even the softest pillow feels like I am sitting on the sharp edge of a hard Rock. Though I repeatedly complained that I could not get comfortable in Rockland’s Furniture that was deliberately chosen by the Doctor because that it was uncomfortable to sit in, because they said it discourages homeless people from taking advantage of the Hospital System as a Place to stay, for the entire Year that they forced me to be there against my will, and force Medicated me against my will with medications that I had already had adverse reactions to, they refused to get me a Chair that I could get comfortable in, even after it formed a Cyst on the back of my neck, and they had to Operate to take it out, and I got a Staph Infection in it, because of the Unsanitary Condition I was forced to stay in against my will, which Unsanitary Condition was caused by the Medications making the Patients unable to even hit the toilet most of the Time. And because my Muscles started pulling against each other again in the same places that Cysts formed before, only after being Medicate with Medication that has Processed Corn Starch in it, like the many times before when the Doctors saw it and falsely called it a Bakers Cyst, when my Hamstring Muscle tightened up in my Right Leg the other Day on the way to the Emergency Room, and began pulling against itself so hard causing me great pain, it formed what looked like a Bakers Cyst in the popliteal cavity, which is not a Bakers Cyst, proven by the Emergency Room Doctor putting Pressure on the Hamstring Muscle and forcing it to loosen up, as the swelling just disappeared, because it has always been caused by an Extremely Painful Muscle Cramps, which is caused when there is a sudden increase and or sudden decrease of Processed Corn Starch intake. I searched Google and other People are having this same type painful swelling that looks like a Bakers Cyst in their Right Leg too, but they do not know that it is a Symptom of a sudden increase and or sudden decrease of the intake of Processed Corn Starch in their System, and most likely the source of that sudden increase and or sudden decrease of the intake of Processed Corn Starch in their System, is from the Inert Ingredients of the Medications that they just started or just stopped.
Before when not on any Medications because after all the Antibiotics failed to take out my Strep Infections, my Body would automatically take out the Strep Infection when my Temperature hit 107 and I just fell asleep for a few days. But after repeatedly being pressured and or forced to take Medications that repeatedly caused me to have adverse reactions, my Body can no longer Naturally Produce a High Temperature when I get a Strep Infection. My Immune System first began more violently and painfully attacking itself when my Body lost its ability to produce a High Temperature of 104 to 107 like it normally and repeatedly did, when the Doctors would repeatedly fail to take out the Strep Infections. If I get a Strep Infection now, my Temperature is 98.8 to 99 degrees. These Doctors cannot understand that I know it is not some other Type Bacteria that causes my Immune System to attack itself. When the Doctors repeatedly fail to take out my Strep Infections, it is always the Stronger Strains of Strep Bacteria that Erythromycin and its Derivative Azithromycin cannot take out, and these Stronger Strains of Strep Bacteria cannot even be taken out with Amoxicillin or its derivative, or any other Penicillin Derivatives, as my Medical Records from 1976 onward, will show that they repeatedly failed, and my Medical Records will show that the Stronger Strep Strains have always been taken out when given Penicillin. And my Medical Records will show that unknown to me, as I repeatedly argued with Doctors and Medical Staff telling them that I was allergic to Corn Starch and some Wheat Gluten and wanted to be tested to find out why, because I believed it was the cause of my Blood Sugar suddenly dropping to as low as 20 MDL, they were deliberately not telling me that all the Medications that they were handing me that I repeatedly had adverse reactions to, as they made me more dysfunctional, each Medication had high amounts of Processed Corn Starch in it, that was just added to the other Medications that had high amounts of Processed Corn Starch in them. When I would tell them what causes me extreme pain and harm, and may be causing me to have acute episodes of some form of Hypoglycemia, and they deliberately and deceptively give me exactly what causes me extreme pain and harm and to repeatedly have acute episodes of some form of Hypoglycemia, that is a deliberate attempt to poison and cause me extreme pain and harm or even death, and when I repeatedly told them that the Medication caused me extreme pain and harm and I was repeatedly having acute episodes of some form of Hypoglycemia under their care and they did not test why, as they repeatedly refused to believe it caused me extreme pain and harm and repeatedly caused me to have acute episodes of some form of Hypoglycemia, they even repeatedly had me force treated with the exact same Medications that repeatedly caused me extreme pain and harm and to repeatedly have acute episodes of some form of Hypoglycemia, so that they could see for themselves if it really caused me extreme pain and harm and acute episodes of some form of Hypoglycemia.
My Sister’s Problems are caused by both the Processed Corn Starch in her diet, and in her Medication, she takes every bit of Food that I throw out that has Processed Corn Starch in it, and the Doctors not only give her Medications with Processed Corn Starch in it, as a result of the Processed Corn Starch, they have to give her Medication for her Brain that costs $20,000 per shot, and these are the same Doctors and Medical Staff of Fairview treating me, that deliberately will not write in my Medical Records that I and my Family are allergic to and or have adverse reactions to Processed Corn Starch, just like Doctor Smith of the Kansas City VA who was deliberately handing me Medications, with Processed Corn Starch in it that I did not know was there until lately, and he refused to tell me what was in the Drugs while handing to me the very thing that I said I was allergic to, as I had adverse reactions to every Medication he Handed me, and it was his Phone Call to Rockland NEW York State Hospital that got me force treated with the very same medications that cause me the most pain and suffering and make me the most dysfunctional.
Because the Media and Medical Community Brainwashed the Public to count anyone who is acting like what they know that the Medicine and Medical Community will cause them to act, as Crazy, the Media and the Medical System has become a Perfect Chemical Weapons Delivery System for the Foreign and Domestic Enemies of the US Constitution, where they make money destroying the Citizens of the USA, and refused to believe that their Medical System is harming People’s lives, just like the Germans when Dwight D Eisenhower had to bring the Germans from Town into the Camp to show them what the Doctors and Nurses were doing to the People that their Medical System Destroyed, and even had the People running the Camp take care of the People they were abusing, because they were the only Medical Staff available. But these who are abusing us giving us Medication that causes us harm, will not stop and correct the Problem when you find out it is the Inert Ingredients in the Medication that are causing you harm, they just keep causing you harm, and then make it so their Medical System will cause you greater harm the next time. I had told Dr Dexter that I had to argue with the Doctors about my being allergic to just Some Wheat Gluten and Processed Corn Starch, but they only wrote in my Records that I am allergic to some Wheat Gluten, and did not write that I cut Corn Syrup and Corn Starch out of my diet, just like Dr Smith and the Doctors CNN forced on me did, and they all just kept giving me Medication that I did not know had Processed Corn Starch in it, and I had different adverse effects to every Medication, but whatever Some Drug Manufactures mix with it in the Medications, some of the Medications cause more severe and painful adverse effects than the others, like the Penicillin and Amoxicillin Tabs that I never had that bad of adverse reactions to before, but these People all just falsely say that I am allergic to Penicillin and Amoxicillin and even the COPEGSYS that I need to Cure me of Hepatitis C.
Now the side effects of the drugs place me in danger of accidentally overdosing myself, even though the first five weeks I took every dose of Medication on time. When I think it is time to take my Medication, I fail to respond to what I am thinking, then the next time when I think about my Medication, I can’t remember if I took it or not. Since I take Two 200 MG Tablets of COPEGYSIS in the 5am Morning Med Time, and Three at the 5pm Med time, and one 10 MG Tab of ZOLPIDEM at Bed time, and One 333 MG Erythromycin Tab at 5 Am Med Time, and one Erythromycin Tab at 11 Am and one at 5 PM Med time, I think it will help me to remember to take tomorrow mornings Medication if I Lay the Two Capsule and One Tab of COPEGYSIS on my Computer Table now as I take this evenings dose, and lay Three Capsules and One Tab and One 10 MG Tab of ZOLPIDEM on the Computer Table when I take tomorrow mornings Medication. These Medications contain Processed Corn Starch, which was the cause of the Problem in the first place, and when I stop taking the Erythromycin Tab I will go through painful withdrawers from the Processed Corn Starch in it, until my Body gets use to the New Level of Processed Corn Starch, and that happens with everything I think through, I just do not respond to what I thought through, like writing, I only write part of what I am thinking, yesterday I went and got gas for the Lawn Mower because I planned on mowing the Lawn this morning, I checked my Garden 7 Am and started the sprinkler after 11 am, and had gotten ready to mow about 9 am, I filled the Lawn Mower with gas, and came back in and sat down, and did not act on my thoughts even though I thought about it several times, until about 4:30 PM, but the Doctors falsely claim that the Medication cannot effect the functions of your mind like that.
Well. I thought I was going to collapse by the second round of mowing the yard, but I made it all the way to the fourth round before becoming too out of breath, sweating, and so exhausted that I am shaking. At this rate, it will take me an entire week to do what was only taking me six hours to do before being medicated.
No matter how you take Medicine, by IV to the Blood, or IM to the Muscles, or ingest it by Mouth, once the Medication and its Inert Ingredients get into the Blood, it is passed to the Lungs and comes out of the Mucus Lining of the Lungs as a Gas that you breath in and out, making it so that you can smell and taste the Medication. At times you will cough up flem that has a strong taste of the Medication in it. But the Medication that you ingest by Mouth, when it is still in your stomach, if you burp up some stomach fluid like I was repeatedly doing when they gave me the Medication with the bad Inert Ingredients in them, that burped up Medication smells and tastes slightly different than the same Medication that you can smell and taste from your Lungs at the same time. The Medication with the Bad Inert Ingredients that you can smell and taste from your Lungs, is the Medication that always makes me more short of breath for weeks afterwards. And right now I am having sharp pains in my Right Lung, which is most likely from the damage that that Medication caused to my Lungs as the Red Rash Formed on my Face from the Chemicals being breathed in and out, as it was destroying my Sinus Cavities which are now full of fluid and draining like as if I have a Flu or a Cold, but don’t worry they tell me, that is a normal side effect of the other Medication I am taking. But when the Psychiatrists ask your Family was I actively doing things before, and all of a suddenly could not do anything, and my Family says Yes, the Psychiatrists deliberately misdiagnose you as Manic Depressive or something else, so that they can get paid by treating you with Medications that are the cause of the Problem. The Psychiatrist that they helped me set up to help me through the Treatment already said she knew of Antidepressants that they had not treated me with before, and if you look them up, they not only all have the same Inert Ingredient that causes my Problems, Processed Corn Starch, they were all already given to me before, and I had different adverse side effects to each one before, she just don’t have all my Medical Records. The other day, I told the Ambulance Driver and the Police to take my Lap Top with me to the Hospital because it has many of the Medications recorded on it that caused me harm, that these Doctors do not know about, and it contains where they can get more of my Medical Records, but they even refused to take my Lap Top with me, and said the Emergency Room Doctor would figure it out, and he failed to figure it out because he did not have the information from my Medical Records, and he failed to get my Medical Records, and he did not have the information from my Lap Top when I got to the point that I was unable to respond to him, and all he wanted to do was argue with me and falsely say I was imagining the symptoms or making them up to get him to give me Penicillin. It was in what Medical Records that he had, the only reason I wanted the Penicillin I knew that the Strep Bacteria would be gone after one shot of Penicillin, but I knew I would need another Shot, because my Sinus Cavity was not healed yet, and if I did not get the second shot, it would just get infected again soon, and I was already experiencing some of the same symptoms of when I first get Infected by Strep Bacteria, and his CAT Scan showed a thickening of the Wall which could be why my Immune System would be starting to attack me, but most likely it was the Processed Corn Starch because the White Blood Cell Count was Normal and the Blood Culture was Negative. I had to get my Sister to come to the Hospital to Confirm to him that I have Uncles that have the same or similar adverse effects from Processed Corn Starch as I do, before I could even get him to listen to me even a Little Bit, about the fact that they repeatedly tested me for Diabetes and it was Negative, and they repeatedly Tested me for their known form of Hypoglycemia and it was Negative, just like my Uncles who also had sudden drops of Blood Sugar that would make us go unconscious at times, because mine went as low as 20 MDL before while the Police were Pumping sugar in me. And when I came to it bounced to 790 MDL. These Doctors never find out that it is caused by the Corn Starch in their Medication, and in some Foods, because our systems cannot process it right, and cannot handle a sudden increase or decrease of Processed Corn Starch. The Processed Corn Starch from Karo Syrup, and any Food that has their source of Processed Corn Starch in it, always makes me the sickest with adverse side effects. It may just be the way that they Process it, and or it may be what they mix with it, mostly for me it is what they Mix With it that determines how bad of adverse reaction I will have. But anything with Processed Corn Starch in it makes me sick with adverse side effects to some degree. Whatever they mix with it in some Medications, makes my Headache go from a 0 to a 10 in a Flash, and causes more severe pains from the stronger Cramps it causes, and causes me Red Rashes. It cannot be that I am reacting to Natural Corn Starch, because to relive all the pain from the Cramps, I have to get rid of the source of Processed Corn Starch, and eat raw Corn or dried field Corn. Right now I cannot eat anything with Gluten in it, because the Processed Corn Starch in the Medication is making me get sick on Gluten, and like one of my Uncles, Jerome who is a College Professor like my Father, described how Corn Starch effects him differently depending on where it comes from, and said mixing different Sources of Processed Corn Starch causes him more discomfort, which was the same thing that I found out for myself by trial and error, looking up the different Factories that Process Corn Syrup, and taking some from each source and eating it to see how it effects me. That leads me to think that while on this Medication that has Processed Corn Starch in it, I better cut even Natural Corn out of my Diet till I am done with the 48 weeks of PEGASYS! It is Karo Syrup that also causes my Uncle Leonard’s Blood Sugar to drop just like it does mine. This stuff attacks the Kidneys also, making me have to go frequently, and it may be what caused both of Leonard’s Kidneys to fail, so that my Uncle Denis had to donate a Kidney for him. This is why I want my Sister to cut out Processed Corn Starch because she has both an Obesity Problem and Kidney and Bladder Problems like mine, till I had stopped going to Doctors and cut out of my Diet Processed Corn Starch, and she also has Problems with her Brain that are similar to mine, but effect her differently because her brain was not damaged the way mine was. I only relapsed after the Doctors started giving me Medication again, that I did not know at the time had Processed Corn Starch in it. COPEGASYS even though it has Processed Corn Starch in it and makes me so I cannot sleep, I need that for the next 42 weeks to get rid of Hepatitis C, and if the other Doctors keep not listening and keep giving me Medications that have more Processed Corn Starch in it, they will cause me more and more severe painful cramps and headaches and seizures.
The Original VA Neurologist in Ann Arbor Michigan was right the First Time, it was the Medication that the Psychiatrists were giving me that were making me more dysfunctional then, because they contain the same Inert Ingredients as the Medications that made me more dysfunctional now. But the second VA Neurologist in Kansas City deliberately contradicted the findings of the first Neurologist, and he not only had the Psychiatrist Dr Smith take my Liberty and give me the same medications that made me more dysfunctional before, he himself gave me medications that make me more dysfunctional because they had the same Inert Ingredients as the Medications that made me more dysfunctional now.
All these Doctors repeatedly fail to believe me that their Medications are causing my Original Symptoms of Organic Brain Damage to reappear, and are causing me to get added Symptoms of Organic Brain Damage each time that they Medicate me, and they have even refused to run Neurological Tests that I could compare with previous Neurological Tests, and I cannot even talk to them long enough to help me get a Neurologist because all the Medical Staff and Doctors want to do is argue saying that their Medications cannot be casing my Headaches or cause my Neurological Brain Damage to get worse.. Every Emergency Room Doctor and every Doctor at Mercy Hospital and at the Fairview Medical Clinics, which are all apart of the same Medical Association, which is the only Medical Association here and in the Towns around me, so that I have no where else to go to get Proper Medical Treatment. They just say I need to be locked up in a VA Hospital, which is the place where they deliberately took my Liberty, and refused to believe I have adverse reactions to Processed Corn Starch, and handed me a bunch of Medication that made me more dysfunctional because of the severe pain it causes. If the same Neurological Tests were run on me that the VA did in the 1980s and 1999 unto 2003, the Test Results would prove these Doctors all wrong, and because they do not want to stop making money off treating me with harmful Inert Ingredients in the Medications, they will neither get me Neurological Tests, or get me an accurate list of the Chemical Structure and Chemical Composition that their Drug Manufactures place in these Medications’ Inert Ingredients, that are different from other Drug Manufacturers Inert Ingredients, and these Inert Ingredients cause me even more harm and pain than Processed Corn Starch. So to endanger my life further, they just falsely list me as allergic to the only medication that will immediately stop my suffering when it takes effect and saves my life from Strep Bacteria, and or they list me allergic to the only Medication that is working to cure me of Hepatitis C, and or they list me allergic to Amoxicillin which I will need against other Types of Bacteria than Strep Infections, that Penicillin has never been able to take out, later on.
They are Targeting the Thirty Year Old National Defense Information that enabled us to effectively fight against Cold War Biological Weapons
They are Targeting the Thirty Year Old National Defense Information on effects of Penicillin on Strep Bacteria and other Types of Bacteria, to make it falsely appear that there is a Pandemic of Infections as People die by them using their New Theory that has never worked, about Antibiotics, where they are falsely saying that Amoxicillin is better at fighting off Strep Infections, when repeatedly it has failed to take out my Strep Infections, just get my Medical Records from 1976 to Present and look, the Test Results recorded there and the X-ray and CAT Scans will show without a doubt that I am right, and they are deliberately contradicting me every time so that they may make money causing our illnesses and our deaths. They are Deliberately giving us Medications that cause Swine Flu like Symptoms, so that they can falsely say that a Pandemic of H1N1 has killed off those that they treat for it, they treat them with Medications that have Inert Ingredients that caused the problem in the first place.
Headaches and lower back pains and knee pains are the first symptoms that I get when the intake level of Processed Corn Starch from the Medication’s Inert Ingredients is increased, and taking Tylenol then, causes sever sudden cramps in the rib cage around the liver, and severe sharp cramps in my feet, which is magnified if the Medication has Codeine in it. The Medications that I had adverse reactions to, may have the same Inert Ingredients, or Ingredients that react Chemically Similar to those within Tylenol, and cause me pain instead of relief or comfort.
The Combination of Processed Corn Starch from the Medications effecting my Immune System setting it up to attack itself, and allowing Strep Infections that were not taken out immediately by the one Antibiotic at a Time Treatment, has left Anybodies in my System that attack the Membrane in my Joints, this is primarily the cause of the lower back pains and knee joint pains, and the increase in my neck pain, where I have developed a dangerous form of Rheumatoid arthritis between the Vertebra. When the Doctors fail to take out the Strep Inactions right away, the attack on the Membrane between the Vertebra in my Neck not only increases pain there, it attacks my Nervous System as the intake of Processed Corn Starch from the Medication is increased or decreased, and it starts in my Neck from where my Body begins to jitter similar to going Numb from a Circulation cut off, but it is an entirely different tingling feeling. Simultaneously the increase of Medications with Processed Corn Starch in it, it is causing both my Immune System to be set up to attack itself if I get a Strep Infection, and it is causing the Immune System to attack and destroy the Membrane in my Joints whenever I get a Strep Infection. The Doctors and Medical Staff do not even write down how much Pain I am in the moment I get a Strep Infection, and do not realize the pain only increases by the hour as long as I am infected, and that is why I came up with a better way of taking out the Strep Infection that works the first time every time. The last Emergency Room Doctor was a Toxicologist, and he said I am acting on Thirty Year old Information, he falsely claims like all the other Doctors that Amoxicillin is a Better Antibiotic Today, and falsely claimed that I may not of had a Strep Infection recorded on Dr Dexter’s X-Rays that show that while on and after taking the Amoxicillin, the Amoxicillin did not take out the Infection in my Right Sinus, he said correctly the Antibiotic may have been doing nothing because it may have been a virus, but he denies the truth that soon the Strep Infection moved back from my Sinus Cavity to my throat causing the White Pus Pockets of Strep to reappear, and then he cannot understand why the whole time that I was Infected, I was bed ridden from the extreme pain that my Immune System was causing by attacking itself, and causing my Immune System to attack the Membrane in my Joints as my Nervous System was being attacked the whole time. None of these Emergency Room Doctors can understand sound Scientific Test Results, because it always contradicts the Theories that they are acting upon. But I can use his Scientific blood test Results and his CAT Scan, to show that their Theories and Diagnosis are wrong. I knew because I had gotten Penicillin First, both the Damaged Sinus Cavity and my Blood would be clear of Bacteria, I pressed him to take the Blood Bacteria Culture so that I could be sure that I was not getting a false Reading off the White Blood Cell Count being within normal Parameters. Because the Medication that I am on, contains Inert Ingredients that can destroy the Body’s ability to Produce White Blood Cells leaving me vulnerable to Bacteria that the Body normally increases the White Blood Cell Count to fight off, so it is possible while on this Medication to have a Normal White Blood Cell Count while being infected. But his Test result proves that the pains that I was experiencing then, was not caused by my Immune System attacking itself, it was caused by my Body using the Processed Corn Starch in the Medication to attack my Immune System.
In January Mercy Hospital did a complete workup on me before being Medicated by them and before the Operation to remove my Gall Bladder because simultaneously my Immune System was attacking itself because of a Strep Infection, and I had extremely High Blood Pressure from having Gall Stones. I can use that Blood Workup to compare with a Blood Workup like that, while I am not Infected, which the Emergency Room just did, that will show the difference as to when I am infected, and when I am not infected. Soon thereafter the Urologist did a complete workup because I had Blood in my Urine, and an extremely swollen Prostate Gland and Swollen Lymph Nodes because the Doctors at Mercy Hospital denied me Penicillin, and failed to take out the Strep Infection, and gave me Medications that had Processed Corn Starch in the Inert Ingredients, and left me totally bed ridden. Also I could detect the reactions of my Body reacting to a Radio Active Isotope normally used in Chemo Therapy, but I could not and still cannot get anyone to investigate as to why I was having all those different adverse reactions to the medication from a falsely so called Hospital!
My Garden has more Frost on the leaves this morning than it did on 22 August. Though I have abnormally Large Tomato and Squash and Radishes and Carrots and Beats and Garlic and Rhubarb Plants compared to the Neighbors who have a Garden in direct Sunlight with the same type Plants as mine, which the Neighbors plants are not growing right because they did not use Cow Manure and Fish and dead animals to fertilize every plant in their Garden like I did, and they did not Mulch their Garden every week like I did mine until I got too sick from the Medications, to mulch every week to keep the weeds and bugs out and keep the moisture in the ground where the plants can use it, and they do not water as much as I do, so most of their Plants are now dying fast and will produce no more fruit this year like mine are doing, two things are not allowing my Garden to produce ripe fruit and vegetables, the Garden gets no direct sunlight unto 11 am because of the Trees in the Yard, and it has been abnormally cold this Year. And the Neighbors Garden is not producing as much ripe fruit and vegetables as it should, because of the abnormally cold weather too. Though we had drought Conditions, I watered my Garden everyday and Mulch my Garden every week from the lawn clippings, till I started getting sick from the Medication containing Processed Corn Starch.
Now that I have the level of Processed Corn Starch in my Blood at a Level Rate, I am beginning to feel well enough to try to mow the lawn today. If the Doctors alter the Level of Processed Corn Starch in my Blood quickly by giving me more Medications containing it, that is what causes my Headaches and Seizures, and if the amount of intake of the Processed Corn Starch in my Blood is dramatically reduced in a short time, I go through extremely painful and disabling withdrawals.
The cause of Obesity In America is the Addictive Process Corn Starch in your Diet and in your Medications.
I went from 220 Lbs to 170 Lbs cutting Processed Corn Starch out of my Diet. Read the labels and don’t eat or drink anything that has Corn Syrup or Corn Starch in it. The box of Food the Food bank just gave me, there is not one box in it that does not have Processed Corn Syrup or Corn Starch in it.
I am missing Critical Scientific Medical Data, because I cannot get the Medical Staff to help me get all my Past Medicals Records from a Multitude of different Hospitals that I was in since 1976.
I need every Liver Function Test and Blood and Urine Test ever run on me, and the Chemical Structure and Chemical Composition of the Medications and their Inert Ingredients, that I was on when the Liver Functions and or Blood Tests and or Urine Tests were run, but I cannot get my Medical Records, let alone the actual Lab Results. I am having my Blood tested from before I began PEGASYS and COPEGASYS and after, by different Doctors, for other Tests Besides Liver Functions, so besides my past Liver Function Tests, I also need every Blood Test Lab Results that was ever run upon me. The same with every Urine Test Lab Results ever run on me.
If I could find a Liver Function Test that was run upon me, when I was not infected with a Hepatitis Strain of Virus, I have Strains 1 and 3 which I got somewhere in the late 1980s to early 1990s, and when I was not on any Medication that contained Processed Corn Starch that alter the Liver Functions, I would be able to compare it with the Simultaneous Liver Function Tests that were run on me after each New Medication, when they took me off each Medication depending on how it effected my Liver Functions, before I began the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS Treatment, and if I were to compare them with my last five Liver Function Tests that were done before and after beginning PEGASYS and COPEGASYS, I would be able to tell exactly how the Processed Corn Starch is attacking and affecting the Immune System. I am confident, that even though I am missing that important Scientific Data, I will be able to predict what medications I will need while completing the Treatment, to get my body back within Normal Parameters. Because I was on no Medications when the Test was run, I need the Test Results from the Washington State Health Department that first Tested Positive for Hepatitis C, so that I my compare it with Liver Function Tests that were Taken while I was on diverse Different Medications.
Comparing my Liver Function Tests from the last Five, with Patients that also took the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS Treatment, the Liver Functions that are Abnormal on my Tests, are Normal for Patients taking the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS Treatment. This is an Indication of why the Processed Corn Starch effects each of us with the same side effects. My White Blood Cell count is within Normal Parameters right now, but if I am given other Medications that have Inert Ingredients that would Interact with the Inert Ingredients from the COPEGASYS, or if I eat those Ingredients in my Food, it would almost wipe out my Body’s ability to produce White Blood Cells.
What the Doctors did to cause my Father to suffer great pain in his final hours.
What they deliberately did to cause my Father more Suffering in his Finally Hours, and what they deliberately do to cause me more Suffering even as I write.
My Family and I all have extremely painful adverse reactions to Processed Corn Starch, and the Doctors refuse to believe that we are in Pain with many different Muscle Cramps, and coming and going Flu like Symptoms, and we have severe Headaches, and it destroys our ability to Communicate accurately what we can clearly think, which are Symptoms that we have ingested some forms of Processed Corn Starch that are different than those found Naturally in Corn. Because the Doctors deliberately refuse to listen to our complaints of Painful Cramps and coming and going Flu like Symptoms, and severe Headaches, and the destruction of our ability to Communicate accurately what we can clearly think, after they give us Medications, they fail to find the cause of our Pains every time. The cause of our Pains after being Medicated is that the Medication that they give us, has the Processed Corn Starch in it that causes us Painful Cramps and Flu like Symptoms and severe Headaches, and destroys our ability to Communicate accurately what we can clearly think. So in my Father’s final hours as he died of Metastatic Colon Cancer, they gave him a combination of Pain killers to cause him more severe suffering, they gave him Morphine which alone would have relieved his suffering, and then they gave him OxyContin that caused him severe pain, because the Inert Ingredients Contain Processed Corn Starch which always causes us Pain, because our Bodies cannot Properly Process the unnatural forms of Processed Corn Starch.
In order for me to complete the 42 more weeks of treatment that will cure me of Hepatitis C, I need to cut out all other sources of Processed Corn Starch, but the other Doctors and the Pharmacists refuse to hear about the Symptoms that I suffer from too Much Processed Corn Starch in the Medications that they are giving me also, and the Medical Staff and Pharmacists refuse to get me the Bin Number of Generic Amoxicillin and Penicillin that broke me out in Rashes, so that they threaten my life by wrongly listing my allergies, saying that I am allergic to the Penicillin and Amoxicillin and even now say I am Allergic to the COPEGASYS that I need to be on 42 more weeks to cure my Hepatitis C Infection. I have no one to help me make sure that there is no Food here that has Processed Corn Starch in it, and their giving me the wrong Medication has left me in a scattered state of mind, where it is almost impossible for me to perform what I can clearly think through, and was doing before being Mediated.
What they deliberately did to make it difficult for me to finish the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS Treatment, they denied me the Treatment as they forced Medications upon me for Years, that contain Processed Corn Starch, so that I would have trouble if I took the treatment right away, and so I had to get rid of all Processed Corn Starch out of my System, before I could start the Treatment, and now the other Doctors and Pharmacists are deliberately trying to mess up the Proper Medical Treatment that I deserve as a Human Being.
When my Food makes me sick, and the Doctors cannot tell me why, so I read the Labels, and trace where the Ingredients came from, and it is always Corn Syrup that is in the Food that makes me so wired and Stressed, that I cannot sleep, and so Stressed that though I am trying to quit, I increase Smoking to try to relieve the Stress, and the Corn Syrup also gives me Flu like Symptoms and Severe Muscle Cramps, and even Headaches, and when increased in my system causes my Seizures to Trigger and causes a massive Headache, so I threw out all the Food that had Corn Syrup in it, and I ate nothing with Processed Corn Starch in it, and became healthy enough with no Stress, no Flu Symptoms, no Cramps, no Headaches, and no Seizures, to begin to take care of myself better than I have been able to in years, until I went back to the Doctors, and with just a once a week shot of PEGASYS that I give myself, and 5 each of 200 mg Capsules a Day of COPEGASYS, to cure Hepatitis C, in the Second and a half Week I became so wired that I could not sleep for four Days, and I began having Cramps, and Flu Like Symptoms, so I called the Doctor and he says that is a Side Effect of the Medication, and he gives me sleeping Pills, and it worked I could sleep. But then I had obvious Flu Like Symptom that normally opens my Damaged Right Sinus Cavity to Infection, and I began to see the same Symptoms that I get, every time I get a Strep Infection, and my Immune System begins to attack itself as the Limps Nodes and Prostate Gland begins to swell, and cuts off Circulation in different Parts of my Body, and I also had a dry Reddening Throat and my Tonsils were beginning to Swell, which swelling is a Symptom of my Immune System beginning to attack itself, so I go to a Primary Care Doctor that was set up to help me with the Side effects of the Medication and my Previous Medical Conditions, and instead of Running a Culture, or Blood Test, or X-Ray, and treating me according to what is found, and instead of treating me with IM Penicillin and IM Erythromycin with no Corn Starch in it, which Method of treating me simultaneously with IM Penicillin and IM Erythromycin is the only Method of attack against a Strep Infection, that normally Lodges in my Sinus Cavity while the Doctors repeatedly give me one Antibiotic at a time that have all failed to take out the Infection in the past, until I get Two Antibiotics together by IM Shots or by IV, this new Doctor would not listen like all the Doctors before her, and she Prescribed an Overdose of Antibiotics that also Contain Corn Starch that makes me stressed and causes Flu Like Symptoms and causes my Headaches and my Seizures, and the Generic Amoxicillin contained Inert Ingredients that broke me out in a Rash, and soon after taking the Medication as Prescribed, my Headache Shot from about a Two to a Ten, and I had a Rubbery Smell instead of Smelling Penicillin and Amoxicillin, as I described in Detail how the Rash Formed in and on my Body like I was trained to do in the US Army so that Headquarters could figure out what Type Chemical we were being attacked with, but instead of finding out what Inert Ingredients caused the Problem and writing in my Medical Records not to give me Medications with those Ingredients in them again, they write that I am Allergic to Penicillin and Amoxicillin, and want to send me to a Psychiatrist who by Law cannot get Paid unless they Treat me for something, and the only Medication that they have to treat me with contains the exact same Corn Starch that caused the Problem in the First place, which is exactly what they have repeatedly done in the Past instead of Getting rid of the cause of my Problems, the Processed Corn Starch in the Medications that they keep handing me and others, which adding more Processed Corn Starch makes us more Dysfunctional, as the Processed Corn Starch builds up in our Systems, and besides causing us to become more stressed with Flu like Symptoms that come and go, until we can get use the rise of the Processed Corn Starch in our Blood from the Medication, as the Processed Corn Starch from each different Medication rises in our Blood, it causes many of us to have seizures and it also destroys our Immune Systems, and also causes many of us to have real serious Headaches that they just right off as Migraine Headaches. It may be the Processed Corn Starch in the Medications that caused all the different Immune Disorders that People are now suffering from all across the World, to include in HIV and AIDS Patients, check at how many Medications that they were given that have Processed Corn Starch in them, before they came down with HIV, and before it developed into AIDs The Processed Corn Starch in the Cocktail of Medication that they give HIV Patients may be what eventually causes their Immune System to Fail. Check any Medication that causes Flu Like Symptoms, and in most of those you will find it contains Processed Corn Starch, and the reason it causes Flu Like Symptoms, is that it is attacking the Immune System.
Awake Coma Syndrome, and Alzheimer Disease, and Autism, caused by Addictive Processed Corn Starch.
The Awake Coma Syndrome happens after a Person is addicted to Processed Corn Starch that builds up like a Cocaine Addiction, you get a surge of Energy from eating Processed Corn Starch, but when the Processed Corn Starch burns up in a way that it remains in your system so that the next time to get the same energy surge, you need more than that before. As this builds up the Awake Coma Syndrome begins at first with just muscle cramps in different parts of the body. You reach a point of relief by getting more Processed Corn Starch, and if you do not get it, your body begins to go into withdrawals. It will eventually get to the point where you can hear everything around you, but no matter how hard you try to respond, you cannot respond, and the Doctors often think that the Person is faking the Symptoms, because the Doctor can tell that they are awake, and thinks that the Person is just playing games with them. In this State the person feels like in a bucket, and cannot tell where their legs and arms are, and cannot move when the feeling starts coming back to their limbs, they just feel painfully heavy and hard like a rock, your communications system inside, feels like you are in a box, and as you struggle to try to talk at times you can say a few words, and soon you will begin to regain control of your body. If you allow a person to build up a Corn Starch Addiction, when they get an Infection with Strep Bacteria, their Immune System will begin attacking itself even causing the Prostate Gland to swell and the Limp Nodes to swell as the Immune System attacks itself. If this addiction continues the Person will begin to become allergic to Wheat Gluten, and eventually allergic to all Gluten.
The cure for Processed Corn Starch Addiction is to cut out all Processed Corn Starch out of your Diet and Medication, this will send you into painful withdraws, but take Raw Fresh Corn, and Dried Shell Corn and begin eating about a Gram of that every 30 Minutes and drink a lot of Water for the first three Days, don't get tricked into thinking that the Corn Starch in the Raw Corn and Shell Corn is causing you pain, the pain is coming from the withdrawals to the Processed Corn Starch. This should be done while taking a Slow Acting Shot of Penicillin and a Slow acting Shot of Erythromycin that has no Processed Corn Starch in it.
While it has been so much Colder than normal here in Minnesota, on August 22 there actually was Frost on the leaves of the Plants in my Garden, and it has been so much Colder than Normal that our Gardens are Producing Later than Normal, and not Producing as much ripe Fruit as Normal, the same groups of Scientists and Politicians and Corporations that ruined our Medical System, are claiming that Global Warming is causing the whole Earth's Climate to be Warmer, so that they can make more money off Carbon Credits, and drive up the Cost of Living so that the Poor and Middle Class who are already struggling, will struggle more as they take more Power and Control to regulate more money out of our Pockets, into their Pockets. These falsely so called Scientists and their Politicians and their Corporations cannot even get me the Chemical Structure and Chemical Composition of the Inert Ingredients in the all their different Medications that has repeatedly caused me and many in my Family and multitudes of our Fellow Americans Harm.
The Medical staff and these Doctors and Pharmacists do not even know what Chemicals are in the Inert Ingredients that they hand me, and cause me severe cramps, sever Headaches, different Rashes from different Medications, and when their Chemicals from different Medications build up it my system it causes the damaged portion of my Brain to Misfire, and they because they did not eyewitness what happened, they act like you are an ignorant fool, and will not stop the problem from happening again and again,.
I cannot get them to understand that I do not normally Stressed and have severe Headaches and severe Cramps or Rashes normally, but I have a repeated History of becoming Stressed and getting severe Headaches and severe Cramps, and breading out in Rash here and there because Doctors and Pharmacists handed me Medication and they do not know what is in the Medication when I take it back to them, they just send me to Psychiatrists who are the ones who have repeatedly caused me to become Stressed and have severe Headaches and have severe Cramps and caused me repeatedly to break out in Rashes. Why don't they just get me a Toxicologist and get my Medical Records and find out what the Doctors have been repeatedly handing me to try to make me continue to suffer as they keep trying to kill me? That is either because they don't believe me, or they are destroying Americans lives so that they can overthrow America. The Neurologist who told me that I had a Partial Complex Seizure Disorder was working in Conjunction with Doctor Smith of the Kansas City VA, and unlike the first Neurologist who claimed my Organic Brain Damage would eventually heal itself, and said that it was the Medications from the Psychiatrists that were making me more dysfunctional, with Cramps and Headaches, and Stress, and making me unable to get out of bed, but this Foreign Neurologist working at the VA deliberately contradicted the first Doctor, and Violated a Court Order, and had Doctor Smith give me the Same Drugs that made me more dysfunctional the first time, and made me more dysfunctional every time that they repeatedly gave them to me there after
Good News and Bad News. Dr Bolt in Plymouth Minnesota is one of the best GI Doctors in the Country. He went over my Blood Tests with me, and because we are just beginning the Sixth of Forty Eight Weeks, and the Viral Count for my Hepatitis C, Strains 1 and 3, is already down to 300, and my Liver Functions have dropped dramatically, it is without a doubt, that if I continue unto the 48th week, the Medication will have cured me of the Virus. If you have Hepatitis C I recommend trying Doctor Bolt and the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS because the Chemical Structure in the Viral Medication is genuine, and it actually works. We need to get them to remove the Processed Corn Starch in it that causes so many to have the Insomnia Side Effect. Check all the Drugs that have Processed Corn Starch in them, they will have the same Insomnia Side Effect on many other People too, especially if they are taking Two or more Medications with Processed Corn Starch in it. If this Processed Corn Starch builds up in my System from taking other Medications containing Processed Corn Starch, it cause the Damaged Portion of my Brain to begin to Misfire, along with causing severe Cramps.
Like with many others that take these Medications, there are serious side effects caused not by the Chemical Structure of the Medication, but are caused by the Chemical Composition of the Inert Ingredients. Normally for me, as Possessed Corn Starch is Processed in my System, it normally makes me so wired that I cannot sleep, and raises my Liver Functions to Rise.. But because the Medication is working and is brining down both the Liver Functions and the Viral Count, the Processed Corn Starch has an even wider range of adverse effects, because my Body cannot process the Processed Corn Starch the way it normally does with unprocessed Corn Starch in Raw Corn, or in dried Shell Corn. When Doctor Bolt said my Liver Functions were going down and not up, I had to stop and think, that is why I am having so many adverse effects from the Processed Corn Starch and other Inert Ingredients from other Medications that build up a Toxic Mix in my System.
We need to get a Law passed, that all Drug Manufacturers must supply a Label with the Chemical Structure and Chemical Composition of the Drug itself, and another Label listing the Chemical Structure and Chemical Composition of each an every Compound in the Inert Ingredients. What is messing up my Treatment and causing me serious Harm, is the Doctors and the Palmists cannot tell what the Chemical Structure and Chemical Composition of each and every Compound is in the Inert Ingredients that I have had serious adverse reactions to, so they just list that I am allergic to Penicillin and to Amoxicillin on the Computer Records. Though the Cub Pharmacist where I had gotten a Bottle of Penicillin and a Bottle of Amoxicillin and had bad reactions to it cannot tell me what is in the Inert Ingredients, she was able to give me the Manufacturers name. But the other Pharmacist where I get my Medication now, cannot even look up the Manufacturer of the Generic Amoxicillin that I had a bad reaction to from there, and since it is a different Manufacturer, I had different adverse reactions to it. If you think about how chemicals grows crystals, one Chemical forms Cube Crystals, and another will form a Pyramid Type Chrystal, because the two chemical have different Chemical Structures and Compositions, and it is the same with Red Rashes, each different Compound form a Different shaped Rash.. So I have the have both those Compounds that caused those Red Rashes listed in my Medical Records as Compounds that I am allergic to, so the Pharmacist can make sure that I do not get another Medication with those Inert Ingredients.
I had exactly the same adverse reactions to Two Different Drugs, Penicillin and Amoxicillin from the Generic Drug Manufacturer Sandoz, because Sandoz puts the same Generic Inert Ingredients in many of their Medications. to include Penicillin, which is a Problem, because these Doctors and Pharmacists cannot believe Penicillin has Generic Inert Ingredients in it. And the reason that I had different adverse effect to, is another Generic Amoxicillin but from a different Manufacture who Put their own different Generic Ingredients in it. These Doctors cannot understand that no matter what Drug they hand me, if it has Processed Corn Starch in it, no Matter what Drug it is, it is going to cause me to get wired, and not able to sleep for days, and cause me severe cramps if the Level of Processed Corn Starch elevates suddenly in my System and or I will suffer Severe Withdrawals from dropping the amount of Processed Corn Starch in my System, and because they cannot understand why it causes me such adverse effects, they just keep handing me more Drugs with Processed Corn Starch in it, which changes the Level in my Blood, and causes me harm, and is even making me more Allergic to Gluten.. The Flu Like Effects that I get off the Medication I am on now, I get the same Flu Like effects off other Drugs that have the same Inert Ingredients as this one, and both cause me to be unable to sleep, because they both have Processed Corn Starch in them, and both cause my original Symptoms of Organic Brain Damage to get wore at times, and I cannot get these Doctors to understand why it harms me, and many others who have a similar Body Chemical Makeup to mine, that is why so many in my Family have the same or similar reactions to Processed Corn Starch. My Mother gave me my Father's Medical Records, because he suffered many of the same Problems I do, except he did not have Organic Brain Damage like I do, but it was the same Inert Ingredients in th Drugs that were causing his Problems, that are causing mine, and the Doctors would not listen to my Father's Complaints either, because they do not understand that the Symptoms that we suffer are coming from the Drugs that they give us.
I need to get the Comical Structure of each and every Chemical Compound in these two Medications that I had exactly the same adverse effects to, so that they can list them in my Medical Records so that Doctors and Pharmacists will stop giving them to me, and causing me more harm over and over.
Penicillin VIC 500 MG NDC 0781-1655-10 and Amoxicillin 500 MG Capsules NDC 0781-2613-05 Generic Drug Manufacturer, Sandoz
Worse, it is the Medical Staff that writes in my Medical Records that I cannot get to Understand that they cannot write in my Medical Records that I am Allergic to Penicillin, it is the Generic Inert Ingredients that the Generic Drug Manufacturer Sandoz used in the Penicillin that I had an allergenic and adverse reactions to, and today at the Clinic I was getting a New Primary Care Doctor, his Nurse had me remove a Mask that I had put on to protect my Damaged Sinus Cavity while I suffer Flu Like Side Effects from the Medication because Flu Like Symptoms normally opens up my damaged Sinus to Infection, which was just in case someone were to cough or sneeze that had Strep, or H1N1 Virus or another Virus, and right after she had me remove it, with me jus two feet away, she starts coughing after having been with other sick Patents. Plus, even though I told this woman that my Sister does not always know what is right for me, and they must talk to me, and if I am unable to speak it verbally, all the have to do is let me write it out on the Computer, because I can communicate better writing than speaking, but she did not tell anyone else that I told her that, and the Nurses had told me that they were going to Draw my Blood in the Doctors office and not in the Lab, and then instead of talking to me, they changed their mind and told my Sister that they wanted to draw my Blood in the Lab, and I was so worn out trying my best to communicate everything so this Doctor could understand what harms me in all these Medical Mix-ups, I forgot about the Blood Draw, and my Sister forgot to tell me that the Nurse wanted me to go to the Lab for the Blood draw, so now I have to go back to the Clinic for a Blood Draw tomorrow.
Awake Coma Syndrome, and Alzheimer Disease, and Autism, caused by Addictive Processed Corn Starch.
The Awake Coma Syndrome happens after a Person is addicted to Processed Corn Starch that builds up like a Cocaine Addiction, you get a surge of Energy from eating Processed Corn Starch, but when the Processed Corn Starch burns up in a way that it remains in your system so that the next time to get the same energy surge, you need more than that before. As this builds up the Awake Coma Syndrome begins at first with just muscle cramps in different parts of the body. You reach a point of relief by getting more Processed Corn Starch, and if you do not get it, your body begins to go into withdrawals. It will eventually get to the point where you can hear everything around you, but no matter how hard you try to respond, you cannot respond, and the Doctors often think that the Person is faking the Symptoms, because the Doctor can tell that they are awake, and thinks that the Person is just playing games with them. In this State the person feels like in a bucket, and cannot tell where their legs and arms are, and cannot move when the feeling starts coming back to their limbs, they just feel painfully heavy and hard like a rock, your communications system inside feels like you are in a box, and as you struggle to try to talk at times you can say a few words, and soon you will begin to regain control of your body. If you allow a person to build up a Corn Starch Addiction, when they get an Infection with Strep Bacteria, their Immune System will begin attacking itself even causing the Prostate Gland to swell and the Limp Nodes to swell as the Immune System attacks itself. If this addiction continues the Person will begin to become allergic to Wheat Gluten, and eventually allergic to all Gluten.
The cure for Processed Corn Starch Addiction is to cut out all Processed Corn Starch out of your Diet and Medication, this will send you into painful withdraws, but take Raw Fresh Corn, and Dried Shell Corn and begin eating about a Gram of that every 30 Minutes and drink a lot of Water for the first three Days, don't get tricked into thinking that the Corn Starch in the Raw Corn and Shell Corn is causing you pain, the pain is coming from the withdrawals to the Processed Corn Starch. This should be done while taking a Slow Acting Shot of Penicillin and a Slow acting Shot of Erythromycin that has no Processed Corn Starch in it.
The same Process may improve the Health of all Celiac, Members of
Families that have not yet Tested Positive for Celiac Disease, and those with Alzheimer Disease, and Autism.
Two Items I used in the Army that I can find in the Stores where there is none without Processed Corn Starch = Outed registered CID Informant
Ketchup = Processed Corn Starch + Coffee Creamer = added Process Sugar = Captain Christopher A Black falsely accusing me of using these items to hide off duty Alcoholism or Drug Addiction = sending to Psychiatrist for added Processed Corn Starch = outed as registered CID Informant = Cold War Heinz Ketchup speeding to USA = Rise in Celiac Disease and rise in Number of Immune Systems attacking themselves = Rise in Mental Health Patents = added Processed Corn Starch = Bankruptcy of USA because of High Medical Costs = USA Overthrown by Medical Community
Simple equations; COPEGASYS = Processed Corn Starch = Like Drinking 30 Cups of Coffee = No Sleep for 4 Days = Sleeping Pills = Sudden Drop in Blood Sugar because of how hyped up and stressed the Sugar your Body made from the Processed Corn Starch , made you. as it Burned up Real Fast depleting all the Blood Sugar + Antibiotic Pills = added Processed Corn Starch = Severe Cramps and Limbs of Body shutting down so that you cannot tell where they are = added Seizures = a Ride to the Emergency Room = now again they want to send you back to a Psychiatrist for more Pills = Added Processed Corn Starch = another ride to the Emergency Room = Medical Community Charging the Tax Payers a Huge Bill for their Incompetence
September 2
When I become more dysfunctional and in severe pain from the Medications that I need, and the Doctors and Pharmacists will not listen that both me and many in my Family are allergic to Corn Starch, and in me it complicates my existing Medical Conditions, how can you find a Doctor that don't want to send you back to Psychiatrist that refuses to believe that you are allergic to Corn Starch, and refuse to believe that their Medications cause you severe pain, until they give you the same Medication that the last one gave you, so that they can watch you suffer in pain for themselves?
The common thing that each person in my Family has, that are allergic or have adverse reactions to Corn Starch, is that we each have an Immune System that will begin to attack itself when we get Infected, and most of us have Been Tested as Positive for Celiac Disease by the University of Maryland, but even those of us that did not test Positive for Celiac Disease, have allergic or adverse reactions to Corn Starch, and an Immune System that begins to attack itself when we get a Strep Infection, and many of us that have reactions to Corn Starch, also have a Form of Hypoglycemia where Fasting does not drop our Blood Sugar, and we Test Negative for Diabetes. It is the Corn Starch that sets up a cycle in our systems where suddenly all the Sugar is Burned up in a short period of time, leaving us with an acute episode of Hypoglycemia. It may also be the Corn Starch which eventually makes some of us allergic to Gluten. I get sick from only white soft wheat Gluten, I can handle Oats and Rye Gluten with no problem, but if they keep giving me Corn Starch, I may eventually be allergic to all the Gluten.
They tell me I am also looking at their Antibiotics backwards, they say that Erythromycin and Amoxicillin are a Stronger Antibiotic than Penicillin against the Strep Bacteria that triggers my Immune System to attack itself, when every time in the past that they have treated me with just Erythromycin or its derivative, and or with just Amoxicillin or its derivative, their Antibiotics have always failed to take out the Strongest Strains of Strep Bacteria that only Penicillin Takes Out. They like seeing my Immune System attack me and cause me severe pain, as they treat me with one Antibiotic after another that does not take out the Strongest Strep Strains of Infection, and even this time they said next time they will just treat me with Amoxicillin, because they say it is a Stronger Antibiotic against Strep Infections, when they are not. If given in combination instead of one after the other, Penicillin and Erythromycin will take out all of the Strep Strains and a multitude of other Type Bacteria to prevent the other Bacteria from taking over when the Penicillin takes out the Strongest Strains of Strep Infection. This time again the Doctor said next time that they would not use Penicillin because if they keep using it, it will become useless against the Bacteria, when because they have been continually using the same antibiotics in the exact same order to treat it ever since 1982, it is already obvious that those antibiotics are useless against the Strongest Strains of Strep. I saved the Drug Bottles from the last two times that I had an Infection, and I traced the Manufactures, and the Penicillin that I was given last time that broke me out in a rash and the Amoxicillin that broke me out in a different kind of rash were made by different Generic Drug Manufactures, but these Doctors deny that there is a Generic Penicillin, even though Generic Drug Manufactures make it and put their own Inert Ingredients in them. These Bottles and my Medical Records show that I have been being treated repeatedly with Antibiotics that fail in the exact same order ever since 1982, so why can these Doctors not believe that doing it again that way with just one of those Antibiotics is only going to fail again as the Processed Corn Starch causes me more pain while the Bacteria that it does not take out causes me more pain?
For years I have told every Doctor that when I get an Infection and go to a Doctor, the Medication makes me sick, and everyone of them called me crazy instead of finding out why the Medication makes me sick. I wrote on the Question slip that they ask you to fill out, an answer to the question, are you allergic to anything? Corn Starch, and the Doctors play a Political game saying, you don't break out in a rash from it, so you are not allergic to it. They don't have a question, do you have adverse reactions to anything? And when you tell them the Medication makes you sick, they do not write what effects it has on you in your medical records, and all they want to do is argue that their medicine is good for you, but every time I get a Sinus Infection that starts my Immune System to attacking itself, soon after I start getting treated, I cannot even get out of bed, and I am in severe pain from cramps and headaches, that cause the symptoms of my Organic Brain Damage to get worse, and what is the cause? These Doctors keep telling me the Headaches cannot be coming from the Medication, you are just having Migraine Headaches, and they claim that the Medication and or the Headaches cannot cause my Organic Brain Damage to get worse, but if it can't, why does the Symptoms of my Organic Brain Damage get worse every time I take their Medication? A Neurologist told me a portion of my brain was damaged that controls different portions of my Body, and said that when the Neurons Misfire I have small seizures in different Parts of my Body, and they gave me Anti-Seizure Medication that only made it worse, and they never tested to find out why it made it worse and made me more dysfunctional. They could never find why my Blood Sugar would all of a sudden Drop and I would end up passed out somewhere. They tested me for Diabetes, and it was Negative each time, so they said I was Hypoglycemic, but my Blood Sugar don't drop even after not eating for a week, but they would never find out why my Blood Sugar all of a sudden dropped like that, and I would end up in a Hospital and after they check that I am not Diabetic or .Hypoglycemic by Fasting, and then they would just call a Psychiatrist who would make me more dysfunctional as I had adverse reactions to everyone of their Medications,. and they would never find out why I have adverse reactions to their Medication. Just how many People In America that cut Corn Starch out of their Diet to make themselves healthy enough to function, are they doing this harm to? In my Body, Corn Starch it what causes my Organic Brain Damage to Misfire, and also depending on what it is mixed with, it causes my Blood Sugar to suddenly Drop without warning, and or it Raises my Liver Functions, and it makes my Hamstring Muscles pull so hard, it looks like I have a Bakers Cyst on my right Leg, that is what it was called by the Doctors that seen it before, it disappeared after I went through all my food and got rid of Corn Starch, and when it reappeared this time, I told the Doctor I think my muscles just pulled so hard that it formed a Cyst, and he said that is possible, and he looked and said that looks like a Bakers Cyst, but when he put pressure on the Hamstring Muscle to make it loosen up, it disappeared. It has been the Doctors causing me complications to my existing Health Conditions by giving me Medication that is Processed Corn Starch Based. He also may have messed up the second Penicillin Shot, because it was a different type than the first, and I still do not taste any Penicillin off the second shot, like I eventually did off the first. Dr Dexter wrote in my Medical Records that I can only have a certain type Penicillin.
After being treated for an Infection, I ended up in the Emergency Room again September 1st, only this time with severe cramps and not a Headache, because I had taken out the Strep Infection with Penicillin and fortunately the Doctor was a guest Doctor, that is a Toxicologist. So I asked him if he could get the names of the Medicine and the Simultaneous Liver Function Tests where for several Years the KC VA and Luke's Hospital, and Rockland Hospital gave me Medication after Medication and tested each time, and they took me off the Medication because it elevated my Liver Functions, and the Drugs all had adverse effects on me, so much that the Doctors at St Luke's and Rockland ran out of options to give me, and they both laid all the Medication on the Table, and said, "we cannot get paid if we do not treat you with something, so in order for you to leave, choose the one that had the least side effects on you," and I chose one at each Hospital just to get out of there, so I asked him to make sure that none of the Inert Ingredients that raised my Liver Function were the same for the Medication that I was taking. .He came back after checking my Medication and said, you should not be having any reactions from any of those because they mostly contain something that you eat every day in corn and food, and I said, no I don't! And he said what? And I told him I am allergic to Corn Starch, and his mouth dropped open, and said, you did not tell me that! Then he said that all my Medications are Corn Starch based. But then he said, well you are not actually allergic to it, you are Just having adverse reactions to the Corn Starch. It depends on how the Corn Starch is processed, and what is mixed with it, some of them cause my Blood Sugar to drop, and some of them cause my Liver Functions to rise. On those Hospital Question Forms at all three of those Hospitals I wrote that I am allergic to Corn Starch, and here the Doctors never read my Medical Records, and have been handing me the very thing that makes me so sick that I cannot get out of bed, and then they could not find anything wrong with me, Doctor Smith and those other Doctors called me crazy, and forced upon me more of what was making me sick all along.
I wanted this Doctor to give me the Second Penicillin Shot that I need, while taking Erythromycin, he said to my Sister that was an Interesting approach at attacking the problem of my Infected Sinus cavity, but he never heard of it before, I wanted him to give me the Shot because because I was experiencing Symptoms like my Body does when a Strep Infection triggers my Immune System to attack itself, and he could see I was stressed and thought I was just making up the Symptoms I was experiencing to get him to give me the Penicillin, and suggested to have a follow-up with a Psychiatrist because I was so stressed, just like all the other Doctors did when they saw how stressed like that I was from the Processed Corn Starch and did not realize I was stressed from the Medication with Processed Corn Starch in it, and the Psychiatrists have always made it worse by giving me more Processed Corn Starch mixed with other Ingredients that all cause me harm .This Doctor found a Thickening of the Sinus Wall on the CAT Scam, which could be the start of an Infection, as having been on Erythromycin and Penicillin, the larger Sinus Cavity was Clear, and I knew it would be gone, because my Method of attacking a Strep Infection that triggers my Immune System to attack itself, using Penicillin first, has always worked taking out the Strep Bacteria, where their giving me just one antibiotic after another until I get a Generic Penicillin that don't work, has always failed to take out my Strep Infection. I told this Doctor about Dr Dexter's X-rays, and he claimed because they did not take a Culture, the Penicillin may not have been doing anything at all, he said it may have been a Virus on the X-ray, but the fact is, I also had strep throat that the Antibiotics did not take out, it goes away out of my throat during the Ten Day Course of just Erythromycin, but not out of my Sinus, and shortly thereafter it comes back in my Throat, and it goes away out of my Throat on the Ten Day Course of Amoxicillin, but not out of my Sinus, and shortly thereafter comes back in my Throat, and the only way I have ever been able to get rid of it, is to use the two drugs Erythromycin and Penicillin together, like a Hospital Gave me to revive me from a Strep Infection that caused me to go unconscious when all the one Antibiotic at a Time failed. They gave me Erythromycin and Penicillin by IV, so I do not understand why all these Doctors have never heard of using the two drugs together, and he said he would treat me my way this time, but they will not treat me that way next time, they will just use Amoxicillin, which in the Past, ever since 1982, when I take Amoxicillin alone, besides suffering from the side effects of the Generic and the side effects from the Corn Starch, the Strep Infection goes away out of my throat while on the Amoxicillin, but not out of my Sinus completely, and then come right back in my Throat a few days Later after the Ten Day Course, because Amoxicillin does not target all the Strains of Strep Bacteria that Penicillin will take out every time. But since the first Doctor took no X-ray, and took no Culture, and took no Blood Tests, they did that so that they can deny my Method of Treating my Strep Infections will work every time, and I won't have to keep going back to the Doctors for just one Antibiotic after another like my Medical Records show that I have been doing ever since 1982.
What are they going to do about the Corn Starch in the Medication that makes me sick? They are not going to replace my Medication with Medication that has no Corn Starch, because I am not recorded as allergic to it by any Doctor. I have to keep taking the Medications that I already know are causing me harm, and try to find a Doctor who will test to see how my Body reacts to Corn Starch, then they will change the Medication. But the Problem that gives me is, many of the Symptoms from a Strep Infection triggering my Immune System to attack itself, are the same type Symptoms that I get from Corn Starch, so without the Doctors running a Culture and Blood test, often I can not tell which I am suffering extreme pain from, and from experience I can tell you, all their pain relievers make it worse, especially if it has Cosine in it. Next time I get Infected, if they would just give me a Shot form of Erythromycin with no Corn Starch and a Shot of Penicillin with no corn starch, that is all the treatment that I would need. Knowing what I know now, I am going to be even more aggressive at making sure nothing I eat has corn starch in it, which is had to do when you get food from a Food Bank because there are no Jobs here, because after I had cut out Corn Starch out of my diet and quit going to Doctors, my Family all know that I have been able to function better than I have for years when the Doctors kept giving me Medication with Corn Starch in it
September 1
The Medical Staff refuses to understand that I know what treatment will work and not cause me harm, because I OJTd as a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Instructor in the US Army, and they keep giving me Medication that causes me to be unable to communicate accurately what I already know, and clearly understand. Like the Penicillin that caused me harm before, I traced it, and it came from a Generic Drug Manufacturer, and though I found a Doctor who wrote what Penicillin will not cause me harm, they just want to argue saying that there is no Generic Penicillin, instead of giving me the proper tests and follow-up that I need to accurately recorded in my Medical Records what will work and not cause me harm.. I need an on hand supply of the antibodies that I will eventually need, or I will not be able to get them in time from the Medical Community, to prevent my Body from causing me more Harm. I had a bad reaction to Generic Amoxicillin, and though it was the wrong Medication to give me at the time they gave it to me, Amoxicillin that does not have those Generic Inert Ingredients in it, will be needed, shortly, and when I need it, the Staff will just argue instead of giving it to me when I need it, and the same with the IM Penicillin and the Erythromycin that I will again need later on, they will not give it to me when I need it, and not getting it when I need it, causes me serious pain and serious harm. Because the Medical Staff and Doctors and Pharmacists all want to argue instead of giving me what I need when I need it, I need an on hand supply of all the different Antibiotics that I will eventually need. And I need an on hand supply of the Medications that I know will work, and will prevent the bad side effects from my current Medication of PEGASYS and COPEGASYS, and I cannot trust the Medical Staff and Doctors and Pharmacists well enough to allow them to decide when and what I need, because it will cause me more harm if they give it to me at the wrong moment, and it will cause me more harm if they do not give it to me when I need it, and it will cause me more harm if they give me Medications that have Inert Ingredients that I have repeatedly had bad reactions to, that are not accurately recorded in my medial Records. I need my current Blood Tests results, since I began Treatment, and all my Past Blood Tests from all the other Hospitals I had been in since 1982, so that I can show the Doctors why I will eventually need the medications that I need. And in case I missed something, I need a Pharmacist that will get me whatever I might need later, as soon as I notify them that I need it.
Repeatedly against my will, Dr Smith and Dr Meckler and Dr Koo gave me Medications that effects my Liver Functions and other Organs, that they were monitoring, I need all those Blood Tests that they were running, and a list of the Chemical Makeup and Inert Ingredients of the Medications, so that I can show the Doctors that it was their Medications that caused the problems, where I will eventually need certain Medications to solve the Problems that I am now experiencing, and that I was experiencing then. Dr Smith of the Kansas City VA, and Dr Meckler of St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York City, and Dr Koo of the Rockland New York State Hospital.
Because my Doctors did not monitor and record accurately what is happening to me as it happens again this time, and the Medical Staff would not write down what is actually happening because all their Questions come from their standard Procedures that have repeatedly led to Misdiagnosis, and serious harm, and I had no follow up to accurately record the effects of their treatment, I have no Medical Records that would help them understand what Disorders I actually have, and the Life threatening situation that I am in because of the Disorders, and their Medications that cause me harm, and they just use the existing medical records and their wrong opinions about what my Disorders are, and what my Condition is, as an excuse to try to deliberately cause me harm, trying to kill me! My actual Medical Condition is, I am simultaneously dealing with Three Life Threatening Conditions that effect each other, Organic Brain Damage that gets worse every time they give me the wrong Medication, an Immune System that begins attacking itself when I get Infected with Strep Virus, and Hepatitis C, Strains 1 and 3. They always just write down the Patient has a History of Strokes, and do not write down that was Organic Brain Damage that is made worse by the Wrong Medications, or by not getting the Medications that I need, when I need them. When they ask if I have a History of Headaches, and they ask how bad of Headache, they just record it as the Patient has a History of Migraine Headaches, they do not record that the Patient has a History of Sever Headaches that were all caused by the Medication and Medical Treatment, and they do not write down that each Headache caused more Damage to my Previous Organic Brain Damage! They never get me a Neurologist to record just how much more Organic Brain Damage that their Medication and or their failure to get me the right Medication when In need it, Caused
I know what Medications that I need, and when I need them, but when I need them, the Medical Staff and Doctors, just argue and record the wrong stuff in my Medical Records, that will cause me more harm later.
The Medical System here is set up so that I cannot get the Medication that I know will work and not cause me harm, when I need it, because all the Medical Staff wants to do is argue and record things in my Medical Records that leads other Doctors and Medical Staff to try to kill me!
But my medical records do not accurately record my previous Medical Conditions, because Medical Staff and Doctors and Pharmacists all across the Country, wanted to argue instead of recording what I say, and they took the Symptoms that I had, and associated it with things that are not the cause of the Symptoms, and I have no Doctor that will set down and listen to me, and accurately record what is happening, and get the Tests from my Medical Records that are full of misinformation, but aside the wrong opinions of Doctors Answering Service operators recorded in my Medical Records, there are actual Tests recorded in a Multitude of different Hospitals that would lead them to the right conclusions, and right treatment, and the Medical Staff cannot understand that I need to get those tests and throw away the rest of the Junk that they recorded in my Medical Records, and they just asks questions that have always led to someone coming to the wrong conclusions, and plans of action that have all repeatedly caused me more harm before, and I now developed a Flu like Symptoms filling my Sinus with Fluids that normally open my Sinus to Strep Bacterial Infections that normally are the cause that makes my Immune System to begin attacking, itself and causes me to have massive headaches that get magnified by the Medications that the Doctors give me for treatment of Infections.
I need all my past Blood Tests, Viral and Bacterial Tests, X-Rays, CAT Scans, MRIs, EEGs, EKGs, and any other Test Run, from my Medical Records in a Multitude of different Medical Facilities, so that I can get the Doctors to understand my Previous Medical Condition, and my current Condition, and lead them to the plan of action that will actually work without causing me anymore harm.
Instead of listening to me, that they need to run Viral and Bacterial Tests, the Doctors argue with me , telling me that the Government sends them recommendations on what is going around and recommends treatment, and all their recommendations cause me serious harm.
The Medications Penicillin and the Erythromycin that I had gotten only after being giving Antibiotics that caused a serious Headache and damaged my abilities to function normally, and damage my ability to focus my thoughts on the problem to solve it, and nearly killed me, have removed the severe Headache and would normally work to take out the Infections, and an IM Penicillin Shot seven days from the first would normally allow time for my Sinus to heal and prevent any further infestation, that is, if I do not have a Cold or Flu Virus.
I have a History of having Swine Flu on Ft Dix in 1976. And now with H1N1 Virus on the loose, the Doctors will not test to see what Virus that is causing my Sinus to drain, endangering my Life. I now have complication on top of my previous medical conditions, I had the Swine Flu in 1976, and I recognize the Symptoms, and I may have the H1N1 Virus, or I may be suffering side effects from the Medication that I am on, so I need to be Tested for the Virus, instead of the Medical Staff just making the wrong decisions, and giving me treatment that will cause me harm, or stopping the PEGASYS Treatment that might do me Good.
The Medication PEGASYS and COPEGASYS that I am on for Treatment of a Virus have the side effects of causing Flu Like Symptoms, and of lowering my White Blood Cell count, making me more vulnerable to Bacterial Infections, and it has the side effect of causing the Immune System to begin attacking itself, causing me great pain, and massive Headaches, as I also have a Disorder where Strep Bacterial Infections cause my Immune System to begin to attack itself causing me great Pain, and massive Headaches, but the Doctor run no blood test, run no Viral Tests, and take no cultures, and hand me Medication that according to them, are recommended by the Government, and every time they have caused me more serious harm with that Method of Treatment.
I have symptoms of sudden jumps from my Liver, and the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS that I am has the side effect of causing a Liver to Fail, but I have no Doctors that will set down with me long enough to know why I need a Doctor to Monitor me, and help me deal with the Side Effects of the Medication, when the Side effects happen, so I have no Doctors that know that I am even having all the listed Side Effects of the Medication
I have a History of Organic Brain Damage, some Doctors say was caused by being hit in the Head with a Rock on Ft Drum New York, but the Armed Services say that the Stroke was not caused by the Rock, but happened in a Place where People normally get a Stroke
The Doctors I set up to help me deal with the Side effects of PEGASYS
and COPEGASYS, and deal with my Previous Medical History deliberately tried to kill me, mocking me, and gave me an overdose of Antibiotics that had a Generic Antibiotic that cause a serious Headache, and Red Rash, and damaged my Mind and Body, and damaged my ability to Focus on things, and my ability to Communicate, and my ability to function.
Because every antibiotic has been repeatedly used to try to treat me, but instead of helping, it nearly kills me, because it was not given when I need, or I was given the wrong antibiotic , every time I go to any Doctor, because the Doctors all think that they can just use any Medication that they choose as a Plan of action, when a Strep Infection causes my Immune System to begin attacking itself trying to kill me, they will not listen to me, that I already know Penicillin is the only antibiotic that will work, because no Other Antibiotic will take out all the different Strains of Strep Bacteria that cause my Immune System to begin attacking itself, but IM Penicillin because the Tab I have severe reactions to the Inert Ingredients in Tab Penicillin, and to stop other Type of Bacteria from taking over when the Penicillin is knocked out by the Penicillin, I must be given a Ted Day course 333 MG Three Times a Day, and to stop the Strep Bacteria in my Sinus Cavity from reinfection. of the Damaged Right Sinus Cavity, I need another IM Penicillin Shot seven days after the first IM Shot to give the Membrane in my Sinus Cavity enough time to heal itself, where not one of their plans of action have worked since 1982, and other treatment than this will cause me serious harm and or death, like it repeatedly has done every time I have been treated since 1982, where each time, all the other treatments or plans of action that are different than the one above, has destroyed my mind and body more, each and every time.
What the Medical answering System Operators did, they take my calls to my Doctors and write it in a Medical Records in a way that it looks like my Calls were a Threat to the Doctors, instead of it being in Reality a warning to the Doctors that I was given Harmful Medication that at the time of the calls had me in severe pain and was killing me, and Doctor Dexter proved my complains were Justifiably right, and were came up with a Treatment that works if done my way, but because of the answering Service Operators whop are not Doctors writing in my Medical Records, none of the Medical Staff ever reads far enough to find out exactly what I need the will not cause me harm and stop my Immune System from trying to kill me, and the way they wrote it, it motivates Doctors and Medical Staff to deliberately give me treatment that could kill me.
While a Strep Infection was causing my Immune System to attack itself, causing crippling pain rated from four to 10 on a scale of 0 to 10, and causing Headache ranging from 4 to 9 on a Scale of 0 to 10, after I got both the Penicillin and the Erythromycin together that is necessary and the only combination that will Stop a Strep Infection from killing me, it took a day and a half after getting the Erythromycin for the headache to stop completely, and two days after the Erythromycin for the Immune System to stop attacking itself. I am still sore from my Body trying to kill me, but I am no longer in pain. Why cannot People understand that the only pain killer I can get to stop the pain, is real Penicillin and real Erythromycin, and not some Generic that just magnifies the pain?
That crazy Tab that they falsely so call Penicillin
I accidently took something Dr Bensen said and misquoted him because of the fact my head was hurting and I could barely here, but this Doctor is the first I have ever met that could actually articulate and express accurately the Chemistry of things, he expressed so tell the bid difference between the drug manufactures putting their own Inert Imprudence, but then he cannot understand why their would be a big difference in Companies where the same Penicillin Tab from one works for me without giving me a rash, and the other not only does not take out my Infection and gives me a rash, but it is like taking a big hit of LSD. His explanation of the Inert Ingredients is why, the one that works is yellow and the other is white, because of different Inert Ingredients, they are the same mass but not the same density. He is right that there is no Generic Penicillin, but the Tab that don't work for me is Manufactures by a Generic Drug Manufacturer, and the other is from Phizer, and the only way that those two drugs could have the same Chemical Structure as he claims, and one works and the other does not, is that the Inert Ingredients allow the one to remain as Penicillin when it enters my system, and the other has Inert Ingredients that do not allow it to remain in the Chemical Structure of Penicillin. I have never tasted Penicillin from it, instead, as soon as I smell the kerosene the smell sends me into an absolute delusional and terrified state as my headache goes from 0 to 10 in a Flash and crashes back to two or three, and your emotions go on an absolute accelerating pace in one direction and spins on a dime the other way, and it has done that to me every time I have gotten it That drug has never taken out my Infections, and in fact accelerates it, and the smell destroys the Left Sinus Cavity which rapidly become more infected than the right, like it did on Dr Dexter's X-rays, that was the drug that caused that, so there is no way I am going to take it again. Doctor Smith of the Kansas City VA gave it to me the First time, and he just laughed as it slammed me into the floor.
The other thing it does it drives my Immune System to attack itself so hard, every Doctor who saw me afterwards thought I had a Urinary Track Infection with blood in my Urine, but I told them each time I had no Urinary track infection and they would not believe me until they got the test results back. My Prostate Glad and Lymph Nodes become so enlarged that from the bottom of the bottom Vertebra down, the circulation is cut off. Only Strep Infections cause my Immune System to do that, and it would be impossible for a Strep Infection to infect my Unary Track. Dr Koo of the New York State Hospital always associated every symptom I had with something that was not causing it, she said my going numb was because of a Cyst on the back of my Neck cutting off the circulation, but as many times as it happened to me before I even got the Cyst that her uncomfortable furniture that I had to try to sit in for a year, caused, so I knew she was just a Medication Maniac and not a Doctor, she refused to give me any of the proper Medical Care that I repeatedly asked for, and always associated it with something else that she would use as an excuse for more Medication, so as bad as the Medication was hurting me, I learned not to give her any excuse to think I needed more Medication.
Success at hand, has made me feel more comfortable now, knowing that I am on the right track as far as how to treat my Infections.
Ok, now that most of the Inert Ingredients has worked out of my system I now can both smell and taste Penicillin instead of a rubbery taste. And the reason that I think the Penicillin and Erythromycin work together, I can now simultaneously smell and taste separately Erythromycin and Penicillin, the two smells and taste do not mix together, so I think that rubbery mixing taste was coming from the Generic Amoxicillin. The Penicillin from a Generic Manufacturer has a mixing of the smells and taste that tasted like kerosene, and the Two Generics produce two totally different types of Red Rash, but they both formed the same way though the Repertory System This rash is a rougher texture, and has wider and longer almost rectangular Rash Patches, the Rash from the Generic Penicillin Tab was smaller scalier and round rash patches, so there are certainly two different Inert Ingredients involved, so I will make another Video of this Rash too, and also, I am not as stressed out. as long from this one as I was from the Generic Penicillin Rash, but this one makes me itch a whole lot more than the Generic Penicillin Rash. . And because I got the Right Antibiotics faster this time, I can also tell that the Infection is receding faster this time, because when my right eye was squashed, when I am not infected, the Pupil is always about three times larger than the left, but when I am infected, the Pupils are about the same size, and the Paramedics noted the other day that I told them my Right Pupil is normally larger than the Left, but they said they were about the same size, but now the Right is almost twice as large as the Left, and my Headache is now gone, and though my brain feels like a marshmallow moving back and forth, I am regaining my coordination faster this time. I will still need one more IM Penicillin Shot about the seventh day from the first to give the Sinus Cavity Time to heal so that it will not get reinfected.
For the Public Good make the Government, the State of New York, the City of New York, and CNN and Time Warner Cable, and the Kansas City VA and the State of Missouri, and the Ann Arbor Michigan VA, and Jackson City Michigan Foot Hospital, and the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois where I was forced treated with harmful drugs in violation of a Court Order, get these Lists that I need from my Medical Records that they and their Medical Facilities refuse to get for me, so that they can continue to deny me proper Medical Treatment, and keep making Money off the Public by having their Doctors repeatedly give me these Harmful Drugs.
The last three times that I got an Infection and needed Antibiotics, I got a Headache that was bearable until I took either Amoxicillin and or Penicillin Tabs that were made by a Generic Drug Manufactures, and looking back at all the severe headaches that I have had, they were all bearable until I took antibiotics and Psychotropic Drugs, but I can't remember which Antibiotics and or Psychotropic Drugs and or Antidepressants, that caused the severest headaches when Doctor Smith of the Kansas City VA as a Psychiatrist prescribed and forced upon me with Antibiotics and or Psychotropic Drugs and or Antidepressants that broke me out in a red rash, and the same with Doctor Koo as a New York State Psychiatrist who prescribed and forced me with Antibiotics and or Psychotropic Drugs and or Antidepressants that broke me out in a red rash. I need a list of all the Drugs and their Inert Ingredients, and the Drug Manufactures, that the Government and New York City and CNN had the New York City Doctor Meckler and Kansas City VA Doctor Smith and New York State Doctor Koo, force upon me against a Court Order that was given to try to Prevent Doctors from causing me harm by those Dangerous and Disabling Drugs. These Doctors refused to stop giving me even the drugs that caused the red rash while I was force treated against my will.
The way these Inert Ingredients work that causes these Rashes, they may be responsible for causing Infections and causing Migraine Headaches and for causing Lung and Sinus and Skin Cancer even in People who do not break out in a Rash. Once these Ingredients get into your blood, they then enter the Mucus in your Lungs where they begin damaging the Mucus Layer of the Lungs and make you short of breath at times. These ingredients them become breathed in and out, and begin damaging the lining of the Sinus Cavity making it vulnerable to Infections, and as it comes in and out of your Nostril it causes Chemical Burns inside your Nostril and on your face. Because very little air can pass through my Damaged Right Sinus Cavity, as I breath most of the air through the Left Nostril and Left Sinus Cavity, they become the most damaged and opened to Infection, while the Damaged Right Sinus Cavity stays about the same, because very little of the Inert Ingredients that cause the Rash Breathed though the Right Nostril. Not if Smoking cause the Mucus Layer to break down and open it to Infection, my Left Sinus Cavity would get the Most Smoke, but never gets infected until I am given a Drug that causes the Rash, and all my X-rays and all my CAT Scans have shown that the Infection always starts in the Damaged Right Sinus Cavity, and never has started in the Left Sinus Cavity, and show that the Left becomes more Infected than the Right, after beginning to take Antibiotics that cause the Rash So for my own Safety, and the Safety of my Fellowman, and to save the Public Money on Health Care, and for the Common Good of the People, all of those Inert Ingredients that cause anyone to break out in a Rash need to be outlawed. .
The US Government and CNN had me sent here against my will, under escort by Doctors, where I cannot get my Medical Records and where I cannot get Proper Medial Treatment, so that they can cause my death. I cannot even contact any of the Doctors to talk to and get help with the side effects of the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS that I am in the 5th week of 48 weeks of treatment.
Knowing that I am a Celiac, in order to try to cause my Immune System to Kill me, Dr Amy Adams refused to give me the Medication I need in the order that I need it, to stop my Immense System from attacking itself, and to keep it from causing me great pain and disabling harm, and Dr Amy Adams said to me and my Sister, that the US Government had sent her a list of Bacteria Strains going around, and took no blood tests or Cultures and took no X-rays, and she gave me what she said was the recommended Treatment from the Government, and she Prescribed Two IM Penicillin Shots, one the first day, and one the second day, and a Ten Day Course of Amoxicillin, as the Government's Recommendation, instead of giving me One IM Shot and a Tend Day Course of Erythromycin, and a Second IM Shot at the end of 7 days to give my sinus time to heal enough to keep from getting reinfected., like Doctor Crystal Dexter of Blaine Mn and I, had written out in my Medical Records, and wrote in my Medical Records that I can only have a certain Type Penicillin that does not come from a Generic Drug Manufacture, because Drugs from the Generic Manufactures caused me to bust out in a Red Rash and did not take out the Infection and damaged my Left Sinus Cavity causing the Infection to spread. Dr Amy Adams knowing the Medications listed that cause me harm in the past, and how it would damage my sinus cavity and make the Infection spread, deliberately gave me a Generic Amoxicillin to cause me harm, on behalf of the US Government and Generic Drug Manufactures and CNN who had me escorted here against my will by Doctors, and I cannot get my Medical Recodes from the Multitude of Medical Facilities that I was at, because like just one Hospital either wants me to pay the $20,000 Printing fees if they send it directly to me, and or that Hospital and all the rest of the Facilities want me to fill out freedom of Information forms so that they can send my Records to the same Medical Records System that Dr Amy Adams and her Staff, just used to figure out how to cause me harm from my Medical Records.
The X-rays were taken by Dr Crystal Dexter in Blaine Mn, before and after Treatment with Ten Day Courses of Antibiotics that failed to take out my Infections, and caused the Red Rash that Damaged my Left Sinus Cavity, and it is cleanly visible on the X-rays, that it was the Penicillin and Amoxicillin from a Generic Manufacturer, that caused the Rash and Damaged the Sinus Cavity, and caused the Infection to spread. Now I am going to use my X-ray Medical Records to Prove his Theory and the Doctors Theory about Smoking killing off cells in the Sinus Membrane and opening it to an Infection, wrong. Every time I become Infected, the Infection is not evenly spread throughout my Sinus Cavity on the X-rays. It is always located in a Soft Ball Size area around my Right Eye where I was struck with a big Rock, if it were Smoking that caused it, it would be more evenly spread throughout both sides of the Sinus Cavity. On my X-rays the Infection does not move to the left Sinus Cavity until after I am given a Drug that fails to take out the Infection and causes me to break out in a Rash that normally starts on my left cheek and works its way up my left Nostril, and the damage to the left Sinus Cavity by the Drug, opens it up to Infection. Now since that is recorded in my Medical Records here, and Doctor Amy Edman has those Records from Doctor Dexter, but Dr Edman just gave me a Drug that she knows from those Records, causes the Rash to begin to destroy my Left Sinus Cavity and Spreads the Infection, this Doctor Amy Edman and her Medical Staff who would not get a Doctor on the Phone to talk to me about the Complications that Dr Edman just caused, she did not cause an Iatrogenic Illness, she deliberately gave me a Drug that my Medical Records that she does have, shows that this Drug can Kill me, and that is why she took no Blood Test, and took no Culture, and took no X-ray, and gave me a Drug that she knew would make the Infection Spread! The Video of the Red Rash that was caused by that Medication, and Spread the Infection from the Right Sinus Cavity to the Left Sinus Cavity on this series of X-rays taken by Doctor Chrystal Dexter in Blaine, is on my Hard Drive, and I tried to get it to the FDA
The Police came and I explained the problems that I was having not being able to talk to a Doctor who could just write the right Prescription and how incompetent the Emergency Room was the last time I was there, so because I had an obvious rash beginning to sprout on my face, they took me to a Doctor in the next town over that was a specialist on Medications. I really like this guy because he is a Chemist and speaks my language, and he gave me some scientific Data that I was overlooking, and it will enable me to find every Harmful Drug that the Doctors repeatedly gave me and repeatedly caused me harm. He said I was right that needed a Broad Band of Antibiotics to take out the Infections, and said that Amoxicillin was a broad band Antibiotic, he said I was Looking at Amoxicillin and Penicillin Backwards, he said that Amoxicillin is a Broader Band Antibiotic than Penicillin, and by his not understanding what I am saying is exactly why every Doctor that has Treated me, failed to take out the Strep Infections that caused me so much harm. What I was thinking about Amoxicillin is since it never took out my Infections before, Amoxicillin does not kill off all the same array of Bacteria that Penicillin does, Amoxicillin kills off a wider number of different Types of Bacteria than Penicillin, but because Amoxicillin does not kill off the Strongest Strains of Strep Bacteria, soon after finishing the Ten Day Course I always am still infected with the Strongest Strains of Strep that would have been taken out if they would have given me Penicillin to start with, but because Penicillin Targets Mostly Strep Bacteria, if used alone, it will leave a weaker Bacterial Infection that will take over, the weaker Bacteria can be taken out with Erythromycin, so using Penicillin and Erythromycin together will take out my Infections the First Time.
What I call Contaminants in the Drugs that cause me harm, he calls Inert Ingredients, and what he gave me that will help me find all the Drugs that cause me harm, he said that it would not be all Generics that would cause me problems, but he said I was obviously reacting to the Inert Ingredients in the Generic Amoxicillin, so he wrote me a Prescription for Erythromycin, and he said it may be the inert ingredients in the Penicillin that is different from another manufacturer, that I react to also, and he wrote how I reacted to it in my Medical Records, so that they will not give it to me again, but he too could not understand why there is such a difference between a drug from one company, and the same drug from another. So now that I have two different Medications that caused me to bust out in what I call a Chemical Burn, which that is exactly what it is, it is the Inert Ingredients reacting with my Skin, so now all I have to do is find all the Drugs that they gave me, that have these Inert Ingredients in them, and those are the ones that cause me harm.
Now he said that the Chemical Composition of the Generic Drugs are exactly the same as the Other Drugs, but the Inert Ingredients are different, and it is the Inert Ingredients that he said that I am reacting to, but quite frankly I think they are wrong at least on some of these Drugs that caused me harm, because these drugs that break me out in a rash do not take out an infection like other Amoxicillin or other Penicillin Tabs, so those that failed to take out my Infections, cannot have the same Chemical Structure or it would take out the Infection and the Inert Ingredient would leave a rash, but because they do not take out the Infection, they cannot be the real drug. Whatever is in this Generic Amoxicillin that I was taking, is just magnifying the pain from the Headache I normally get from an Infection, and magnifying the pain I get as my Immune System attacks itself so strong that I have blood in my urine again. I certainly did not need added pain from a reaction to a Generic Medication on top of an Infection and the serious side effects from the GI Medication
This Doctor doubted me when I told him the array of Antibiotics that they were always giving me in the same order that failed to take out the Infection till they either gave me Penicillin by IM Shot or by IV, because he said IV Penicillin is only a four hour Penicillin, but the truth is, like in Los Vegas when I had 107 Temperature from a Nasty Strep Throat and Pneumonia, they hooked me up to IV and over three Days kept giving me Penicillin and another Antibiotic by IV, which was the same thing they did to me in several other Hospitals, and each time I had all the Symptoms of Spinal Meningitis. Often the treatment with the Ten Day Courses of Antibiotics that failed to take out the Infections was started by Doctors in another City, and after I got to another City after finishing the last Ten Day Course, I would end up in a Hospital in that City where I had gone to work Construction, so the failed Treatment is recorded on the Medical Records in the first City, and the results on the Medical Records in the second City, and because I cannot get all my Medical Records into the same place, Doctors often miss what happened. This happened to me more than a dozen times, with two Different Hospitals each time, and I was so sick some of those times, that I cannot even remember the name of some of the Hospitals, and or some of the Cities.
This Doctor is in the same Medical System I am in now, and he said that they do not really have a lot of my Medical Recodes, but are getting more from some of my Doctors in another Medical System that was dealing with it before. But my Brother in Law and Sister were there, and we are not going back to the same Primary Care Doctor, because she did not listen to us, and gave me a different Medication and changed her mind about giving me the second IM Penicillin Shot, so I am getting another Doctor in the same system that will not change his mind on the plan, and will actually monitor my condition from the Side Effects of the other Medications, and will actually call me back when there is a Problem. All I needed was to talk to a Doctor and get Erythromycin, and as the Infection recedes the Headaches will stop, but this Doctor and her Staff just could not understand that.
Just like always, while your Life has been placed and is in Jeopardy because of the Doctors giving you Medication that has repeatedly caused harm in the Past, and by the Doctors failing to monitor what was going on while you went to them in the first place, to have them monitor you during a dangerous year long Medical Treatment, to give you the right antibiotics to take out the infections that you always get, the first time so that it will not interfere with your year long treatment, these Socialist Medical Facilities give you Medication that causes you harm, and they make it so that your Blood Tests do not get to your GI Doctors for over three weeks, so that your GI Doctors cannot determine what is going on, and the Medical Staff cannot even understand what you are talking about, but they repeatedly refuse to get a Doctor on the Phone so that you can talk to them to get the Right Medication, and then they threaten your Life and Liberty threatening to call the Police
I need a Lawyer to Sue this Medical Clinic and the Hospital where they want to send me again, and their Doctors, they want to send me to the same Emergency Room that refused to give me Penicillin because that they said that they did not want to create anymore Superbugs against Penicillin, and they just let the Infection run ramped and nearly killed me, and if I had not been able to find a Doctor to give me the right brand of Penicillin last time, the infection would have killed me. And not only that, someone there in that Hospital actually gave me a Drug that nearly killed me and I could not even get the Police or the FBI to look into who and why that they did that!
Normally I can taste Penicillin after getting an IM shot, I am getting a Taste in my mouth, but it don't taste like Penicillin, it may be because I am taking Shots of PEGASYS which I took yesterday, and it may be mixing up the taste, or it could be that they gave me a shot from a different manufacture, I tried to find out what manufacture this IM Shot came from but the Staff cannot understand why I want to see if it is the same manufacturer that I got the last Shots from another Doctor that worked and tasted like Penicillin. It may be just the bad side effects from the Generic Antibiotics, or it could be that they did not give me any Erythromycin, but it seems like this infection is only rapidly getting worse, and making my headache worse, and making my eyesight worse and making my ears ring louder, and I cannot get past the Medical Staff to talk with my Doctors, and it was total miscommunications between the Staff and the Doctors that has repeatedly been causing me problems. The Staff asks you what the Problem is, and when they talk to the Doctor they obviously did not communicate what you said, because when the Doctor calls back and will not give you the Erythromycin and Penicillin combo that you asked for in the fist place, because they say that there is something else wrong because of the exact same symptoms that I get every single time that I get an infection, and every time that I take Generic Antibiotics, and all that is wrong is that this Doctors refused to listen to me, and gave me a Generic Medication that caused me harm in the Past and caused me harm this time, and I cannot even talk to the Doctor about it, she left town and says to go to the emergency room that nearly killed me giving me the wrong medication last time. Why can I not find a Doctor that can understand if they give me Medication that caused me harm in he past it is going to cause me harm? Why can I not find a Doctor that can understand if they give me the right medication the first time it will get rid of the infection and I will not get so sick that I end up in an emergency room?
The entire Medical Staff at the Medical Clinic here is quoting like a Parrot some study that says, "A Patients immediately receives relief and comfort after reviving an IM Penicillin Shot," but when they give you the shot, they will not listen that Generic Antibiotics have always caused you severe headaches and a red rash, as to destroy any possible relief and comfort from the IM Shot, they throw a Generic Antibiotic at you, even though every time you have been given a Generic Antibiotic they have to treat you with Benadryl and an Antibiotic Cream for where your skin is pealing off. I have a Video of it from the last time it happened to me, and this time they said to stop taking the Generic, so I did, but if I did not stop, the rash and headaches would get as bad as last time! Who can I send this Video of the Red Chemical Burn that these Generic Antibiotics repeatedly cause and get these Generic Antibiotics OUTLAWED!
I went from Light Depravation Depression because my Apartment does not have big enough windows even to keep my house plants alive, to hiding from the Light in a Dark Corner in my bedroom because the Light causes serious headaches. This has happened to me every time I get a Bacterial Sinus Infection after I get Flu or Cold Symptoms, about every 6 to 8 months, and the Infection always starts in the damaged portion of my Sinus that was damaged by a Rock in the US Army. Since 1982 the Doctors have repeatedly failed to take out the Infection the first time, repeatedly giving me one ten day course of Antibiotics after another until I would pass out and end up in a Hospital somewhere getting Penicillin by IV for Pneumonia and or Spinal Meningitis! The Doctors never Read my Medical Records to see that it is exactly the same thing every time that causes my Headaches, my Seizures, and the Body Cramps, and they fail to understand the cause of the problem and help me either find a cure or help me live with it because of the Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment written in my Medical Records from Government Doctors that were forced upon me, like Doctor Smith of the Kansas City VA and Doctor Koo of the New York State Hospital who would separate my Family from me and ask them if I had times in my life where I was extremely Active, and then had no energy to do things, and when my Family would say yes, they would claim I was Manic Depressive with a Chemical Imbalance that needed to be force treated or I would commit a Crime, and Doctor Smith and Doctor Koo would repeatedly Prescribe Antibiotics without testing what Strain of Virus or Bacteria I had, and the Antibiotics always failed, and the Infections always almost killed me right while under their forced treatment, and Doctor Koo falsely claimed that my legs going numb while infected was caused by a Cyst that had formed because they forced me to sit in uncomfortable furniture for an entire year while they repeatedly drugged me with drugs that caused me harm. Fortunately when they operated on the Cyst I got a Staph Infection that they had to give me real Antibiotics for, or I would have never gotten rid of the Sinus Infection that I had the entire year of forced Medical Maltreatment by Doctor Koo.
My New Primary Care Doctor claimed that the Government Tests People and sends her a List of what is going around after she realized my Limp Nodes were swollen, and my throat and Sinus was red raw, and I was sweating and short of breath, and even though five days before I came down with the Infection, I have had person to person contact with People from 9 Countries, to include some women from a disease infected region of Africa, but like all the other Medical Doctors that gave me Antibiotics repeatedly in the past that failed and nearly killed me with their Medical Treatment, she took no blood Tests, no Cultures, and could not even understand that it is the Sinus Infection causing all the Neurological Problems that I am exhibiting, and even seeing the Neurological Problems that the Infection in the damaged portion of my Sinus is casing, this Doctor took no X-rays that would show positively that the Infection is around my right eye where I was struck with a rock in the Military, but that is where it is on all the X-rays and CAT Scans from the other Doctors before, and like the Doctors before, this Doctor did not even ask a Neurologist why an Infection in my Sinus Cavity would cause me Neurological Symptoms.
Because each Doctor will not test me for what Bacterial Strain I have had each time, every time since 1982 one group of Doctors will start me on a Ten Day Course of Antibiotic Erythromycin or its derivative, and after that fails a Ten Day Course of Amoxicillin, and then after that failed a Ten Day Course of a Penicillin Derivative, and then after that failed a Ten Day Course of Generic Penicillin that caused me to break out in a red rash each time that I thought was some king of skin virus each time, and after that failed to take out the Infection they would finally give me Penicillin by IV that did not cause a red rash, and would always take out the Infection, but often it was two or three different Doctors from two or three different Hospitals that would give me the Antibiotics each time, and often I got the Penicillin by IV that took out the Infections after I passed out somewhere and woke up in a Hospital being treated for Pneumonia and or Spinal Meningitis and or getting Morphine shots for the severe Headaches, but they never write in my Medical Records that that is the results of their failing to take out the Infections. The last time the Generic Penicillin failed to take out the Infection and caused the red rash that pealed the skin off my face and off the inside of my nostrils and sinus cavity, I took a Video of the Rash and tried to get someone from the FDA and or the Government to take and look at it, and get rid of those Generics that have repeatedly failed to take out my Infections and prolonged and caused my Infections to be more disabling, but the Government failed to even respond, I still have the Video and this Generic Augmentin is most likely what is causing me to itch all over like I had in the past before the red rash appears, I already have some of the red spots around my eyes that make my eyes to begin to water, and as it becomes red enough to show up on a Video, I will make another Video.
The only way I have been able to take out the Infections the first time to prevent the infection from causing all the Problems, is to let them give me Erythromycin first, and then get IM Penicillin or IV Penicillin because the Erythromycin takes out one branch of Bacteria that Penicillin will not take out, and the Penicillin takes out the other Branches of Bacteria that Erythromycin will not take out.
Because I now have a severe Headache with all the Symptoms of Spiral Meningitis, and I do not know if the Combination of Generic Antibiotics and IM Penicillin will work, I want the Public to know who to hold accountable since about 90% of the fragments of my Medical Records that were given to my new Doctors, are records of Misdiagnosis that were deliberately made by VA Doctors who said that in order to Protect President George Bush when he was in Lee's Summit Mo, they were ordered to take US Veterans into custody by the CIA, and force treat them with Behavioral Control Drugs, as they began repeatedly thereafter everywhere I went in the USA until Doctors had me brought where I am here in Minnesota against my Will, repeatedly force treating me with Medications that a Court in Jackson Michigan had already Ordered Police and Doctors not to give me, and the VA Neurologists Testimony to the Jackson County Court, Jackson Michigan, that those Drugs were not only making me more dysfunctional but were killing me, are missing from the Medical Records given to my Doctors, the Records from five Doctors that declared me permanently blind after being hit in the head with a Large Rock in the US Army are missing from the recodes given to my new Doctors, the Recodes of the Civilian Doctors declaring that the Stroke I had was caused by that Rock that hit me in the US Army, and the records of the Armed Forces Medical Board denying me service connected disability because that they claimed that the Stroke happened in a place where People normally had a Stroke, are all missing from the Medical Records give to my New Doctors, and all the times that Generic Antibiotics failed to take out my Infections and caused me a red rash and serious harm, are also missing from the Medical Records given to my New Doctors, those Directly involved in the deliberate Medical Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment are Dr Smith of the Kansas City VA, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the US Congress, the Owners and Producers of CNN and Time Warner Cable, Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Grace and their Producers, Deborah Oakley of CNN or Turner Security, CNN and Turner Security, the CIA and FBI, former President George W Bush and his Cabinet, and the State of Mo Representatives that I had written to before the FBI and CNN and Time Warner had helped the Computer Hackers to set me mp. They should now be tried with Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Conspiracy to Defraud the People of these United States, and if I die by an apparent Infection that Antibiotics failed to take out, they should be Tried for Murder!
Because it is impossible for me and or my Doctors to get any of the important portions of my Medical Records, it is looking even more and more like attempted murder by the Medical System. And like I repeatedly said before, it may be because I am an outed Registered Informant of the Criminal Investigation Department of the US Army!
I cannot get my Medical Records here, and my Doctors here cannot even get all my Medical Records
I was forced to be here under escort by Doctors that CNN and the City of New York and New York State and the VA Forced upon me, so I had to get all new Doctors when I got here, but I cannot get my Medical Records here, and my Doctors here cannot even get any Important Portion of my Medical Records, let alone all my Medical Records, to get me the Proper Medical Treatment that I need
When I told my new Primary Care Doctor here, that my new Doctors were not reading my Medical Records to find out what Medications Failed me in the Past or had caused me serious Harm before recommending treatment, she claimed that I was wrong, because she said that she had a lot of my Medical Records, but it turns out, she only has a fraction of my Medical Records from each of three different Medical Facilities, and although there are about 50 Facilities that I can remember, but cannot remember the Names and Addresses of the Places, because many of them I was taken there and force treated against my will, off the top of my head I named 14 Medical Facilities and where they were, that she had none of my Medical Records from. They gave me 14 Release of Information Forms to fill out, but I have already repeatedly filled out Release of Information Forms for these Places, and even called many of them, and I still cannot get any of my Medical Records from them, and even filling out these Release of Information Forms, I will not get any of my Medical Records, they will be sent to my Doctor's Office, like all those places that I mentioned to her had gotten my Records from other Doctors, and I never get to see them, because if I get my hands on them, a lot of Medical Facilities and Police Departments will be going to Prison for the Medical Malpractice and Medical Maltreatment that they have repeatedly been forcing on US Citizens against their will, and causing us serious harm!
I just got back from my Primary Care Giver, and like I thought, the Flu like Symptoms were not Side Effects from PEGASYS and COPEGASYS, but are from another Infection in the Damaged Portion of my Sinus Cavity. Although I would have treated it with both IM Penicillin and Erythromycin, and stay away from the Generic Antibiotics because that they always cause me to break out in a red rash and have never taken out the Infections, she gave me an IM Penicillin Shot and scheduled another for tomorrow, and gave me a Ten Day course of Generic Amoxicillin, AMOX/POT CLAV 875 MG TAB LEK sub for AUGMENTIN Hopefully it will take out the entire array of Bacteria the first time, without causing me to bust out in a Rash, but the Generics have always failed me in the past.
Because the Government and Media and Medical Communities automatically consider People that have had a Traumatic Brain Injury to be Dangerous, which their Opinion and their Prejudiced Actions against us, and their harmful Medical Treatment, is the primary reason that US Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries and PSTD keep ending up Homeless, because of the Opinions of the Doctors that run the Media and the Medical and Judicial System, who without Just Cause repeatedly falsely accuse us of intending to do Crimes because of a fictitious Chemical Imbalance that they cannot prove exists, as they Repeatedly and Systematically use the Legal and Medical Communities to keep track of and destroy the lives of those of us who have had Traumatic Brain Injuries, as the Government and Media and Medical Communities falsely claim that they are Providing us Proper Medical Treatment as they repeatedly destroy and cause the Loss of our Liberty, our Cloths, Transportation, Job Opportunities, our Housing, our Tools, our Treasures, and our Health, so that they can force us to buy Clothes from the Hospitals, and force us into Government sponsored Housing, and force us to pay for the very Medical Maltreatment that has repeatedly destroyed our Lives!.
The Hackers that were Daily Hacking my Computer from 2001 to 2005 and were rewriting my Personal Religious Writings to try to make me look like an insane Suicide Bomber worked for the US Government, CNN, and Time Warner Cable, and Time Warner Cable even sent a Technician out to Replace the Connection Box and give my Computer a Better Connection, saying that they were aware of the Hackers that I had called the FBI and CNN and Time Warner Cable about, and that they were hooking me to a Bigger Network to Monitor it, and the Government and CNN and Time Warner Cable began fabricating false Allegations and had the Medical Community Violate a Court Order and try to set me up, and try to kill me repeatedly with Detainment without Just Cause, and Harmful forced Medical Treatment that nearly killed me each time and eventually caused the loss of my Possessions during a Year Long Forced Medical Treatment that was done based solely on False Allegations and they would not allow me a Competent Attorney nor allow me out of the Hospitals to face me accusers in Court, while they deliberately and repeatedly denied me proper Medial Treatment, and have made the Medical System so that I still cannot get my Medical Records so that I can get the proper Medical Treatment that they have repeatedly denied me in the past! It is the Government and the Media Network that has had Millions of US Citizens Detained without Just Cause, falsely accusing them of Intending to do Crimes, and force treating them with Harmful Behavioral Control Drugs to destroy their Health and their Lives because the Government and Media falsely accuses them to be a Threat to them, just like they falsely accused the Japanese Americans of being a Threat to them during WW2, and detained them all without just cause, but this time the Government falsely claims that they detained us to provide us Shelter and Medical Treatment, and that is why that they had CNN falsely accuse me of being Homeless, so that they could deliberately cause the Loss of my Liberty, my Cloths, Transportation, Job Opportunities, my Housing, my Tools, my Treasures, and my Health.
The Government and Media has joined Dangerous Doctors who without Just Cause form an Opinion that Strong US Citizens are a Threat to them, and must Systematically be destroyed by using the Medical and Legal System to Falsely Accuse the Citizens of these United States of Intending to do Crimes, do away with their Unalienable Rights, and destroy their Health by repeatedly blocking them from getting Proper Medical Treatment, and repeatedly taking away their Liberty, repeatedly causing them to be separated from their Cloths, Transportation, Jobs, Housing, Tools, and Treasures, to repeatedly cause the Loss of their Cloths, Transportation, Jobs, Housing, Tools, and Treasures, while the Government and Media repeatedly forces Harmful Medical Treatment upon them to destroy their lives, while falsely claiming that they are only forcing Medical Treatment on you for your own Good, like as Doctors Smith of the Kansas City VA told me, when while I was only at the Hospital on a Scheduled Follow-up for a Viral and Bacterial Infection ,which proper Treatment he denied me, as he said, "Because President Bush will be in Town, just in case something Happens to him while he is here, we are going to give you an Alibi!" And from that Point on, even the Media CNN and Time Warner Cable joined the US Government and Medical Community in their efforts to repeatedly deny me Proper Medial Treatment, and force Harmful Drugs upon me, that a Court in Jackson Michigan had already ordered Police and Doctors not to give me, because my Doctors Testified that those Drugs were not only making me more dysfunctional, but that they were Killing me, and these Doctors Repeatedly said that I must be force threatened with these Harmful Drugs to Prevent me from doing a Crime, as they repeatedly separated me from my Possessions and caused them to be last, as they even forced me to buy Cloths from the Hospitals as they caused the Loss of my Liberty, my Cloths, Transportation, Job Opportunities, my Housing, my Tools, my Treasures, and my Health.
One of the things that drove me to Max every Physical Training Test in the Military from 1976 to 1982, and do more Pushups and Sit-ups and Running than anyone else, and beat a Company of Men One at a Time Wrestling, and to Fire the Highest Rifle Marksmanship in every Unit I was in, was because we Hand Carried our Medical Records from Unit to Unit, I was able to read what the Doctors wrote about me, and they never wrote anything about me in a Positive Light, they wanted me forced out of the Army because they considered me a Small Dwarf. I was the shortest Man in every Unit, and the Doctors called me a Small Dwarf that needed to be Medically Discharged because in their Opinion, I would not be Physically able to handle Combat as well as other Men, but I proved their Opinion wrong to my Commanders, who would not go along with the Doctors Opinion, because as far as Physical Performance, I outdid all the Men in my Unit, and it was often the case where I was the only one that made it through the Most Difficult obstacle Courses in Training, and there was no one in my Units that could beat me Wrestling or Fighting. My Medical Recodes had the statements from the Doctors about the Treatment for Swine Flu on Ft Dix in 1976, I did not see where the Blood Test Results was Recorded, but their Summery Statements conclusively stated that I had Swine Flu, I did not know until talking with a Doctor after I got out of the Army, that there were only Four of us in all the USA that tested Positive for the Swine Flu, and that Doctor wanted to know if I knew which of us got it first, and how we were Treated, because he said the entire Medical Community was up in Alarm about and because of what happened on Ft Dix.
All the Medical Treatment and Medical Regulations that the Government and Media and Medical Communities have been doing since the 1976 Flu Scare, where many compounds in the Medications that they issue have compounds that produce Flu like Symptoms, and make the body more vulnerable to Viral and Bacterial Infections, the Medications have deteriorated the Health and Living Conditions of much of the General Population to a degree that the Public is setup to lose a lot of Lives and hand the Government and Media and Medical Communities a lot more Money, because of the H1 Ni Virus Pandemic and Bacterial Infection outbreaks, and it is all because of the Medical Treatment and Medical Regulations that the Government and Media and Medical Communities have been doing and promoting and forcing upon many of us against our will.
My Doctors finally got my Blood Tests, and finally renewed my prescription, and the Pharmacist says if they hurry they can get it by tomorrow, but because my Doctors cannot get my Medical Records that show which Medications that repeatedly caused me harm in the past, the Medication that he suggested to relieve the Flu Symptom side effects from the Drugs, is one of the first Medications listed in my Medical Records that caused me harm in the Past. He also suggested because I have all the symptoms of a Flu or Bacterial Infection, and these are Common Side Effects of the Medication that I am on, and because I have a History of repeated Bacterial Infections ever since I got Swine Flu on FT Dix in 1976, he suggested that I see my Primary Care Giver to get tested and rule out an infection, because my Blood Tests show it could be the start of an Infection, or it could be my body reacting to the Medication. And I finally got my Primary Care Giver to understand that they have to work in Conjunction with my GI Doctors on the Side Effects from the Drugs, and cannot just send me to my GI Doctors, because these Symptoms of a Flu or Infection may not be Side Effects from the Drugs and my GI Doctor cannot Treat me for a Flu or Bacterial Infection. Frankly, I thought after the fist two weeks that the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS had no side effects at all that I could notice, it was the middle of the third to the fourth week that I started getting Flu like Symptoms while I could not sleep for four Days, as it started about the second and a half week, when I began exhibiting all the bad side effects listed on PEGASYS and COPEGASYS .
This was written before August 26 2009
The Entire US Medical System and the Entire Medical Communication and Medical Records Systems are in an absolute Dysfunctional State of Kaos
If you can get through the Automated Answering Systems, and finally get a hold of someone who says that they are going to send you and your Doctors your Medical Records, no matter how much they claim that they are going to make sure the problem is taken care of, you and your Doctors at best, will only get a summery of your Medical Records that does not contain the Most Important Data that your Doctors needs to give you safe and effective Medical Treatment.
After spending over Two Years assembling a group of Doctors to give me a Year Long Medical Treatment that I need, I still not only cannot get my Doctors the Medical Records that they keep asking for, my GI Doctor told me that every third week I would have to go to the Pharmacy, and have them renew the Prescription of PEGASYS and COPEGASYS in enough time for the Pharmacy to be able to order the Medication, and he was doing it this way, so that he could make sure that the Lab sends him the Blood Tests that he needs before he can renew the Prescription and or adjust the Medication dosages, because without the Blood Tets he will not know what is going on, and will not be able to continue the Treatment, because it would be too dangerous for him to continue the Treatment without seeing the Blood Tests. The Pharmacy cannot order the Medication now, because the Doctor cannot renew the Prescription, because the last I heard, the Doctor could not get the Blood Tests, so all I can do is leave Messages to Contact me on their Answering Machines, and drop everything I am doing and set by the Phone waiting for calls that never come, waiting until the Doctors Office and Labs close.
None of the Doctors that I assembled have been able to get my Medical Records from Past Doctors, or from each other, and they keep asking me to help get the Medical Records or they cannot safely treat me, because they are each totally in the dark as to what the others are trying to do, because the the Entire Medical Communication and Medical Records Systems are in an absolute Dysfunctional State of Kaos. I cannot get either my Civilian Doctors Medical Records or my VA Medical Records, or my Military Records, or my Medical Prescription History, so my Doctors are still completely in the Dark about my Medical History, and about the failed Medical Treatment and Medications that caused me so much harm that I had to get a Court Order to stop Police and Doctors from giving me.
My Typing is messed up, because I am going Blind Faster than I was from an Injury that I got in the US Army, and cannot get any Proper Medical Treatment for it, because it was the Media that Controls the Government and Medical Community, that had me locked up with Violent Criminals by Doctors that deliberately Medically Misdiagnosed me based solely upon the false accusations from the Media, and had them Medically Maltreated me to destroy my health and make me more dysfunctional while denying me the Proper Medical Treatment that I need, as the Violent Criminals assaulted me right on top of where I was hit by a big Rock in the US Army, and caused me to begin to go Blind Faster, so the Government and Media will not help me or my Doctors get either my Medical Records or my Military Records, because they do not want those records to be used, because it would show that it was the Media and the Government deliberately denying me proper Medial Treatment, and deliberately Medically Misdiagnosing Medically Maltreating me, so that they could continue Making Money off Deceiving and Brainwashing the Public to blindly follow their Deception and overthrow of the US Constitution and their doing away with all of our Rights not Protected therein, so that they and their supporters could continue to make Money off our Destruction.
It is the Media and the Politicians and Judges and Lawyers that for Years have been Promoting Stiffer Fines, to force us into foreclosure because we cannot make payments or make a living repeatedly being robber by the Criminals that have no choice but too either commit more Crimes to pay their excessive Court Costs, Lawyer Fees, and Fines, or to borrow too much Money against their Homes and Businesses, to drive them into foreclosure and collapse the Banks, so that the Media and the Politicians and Judges and Lawyers could use the Legal System to funnel Money into their Pockets, so much Money that the Media and the Politicians and Judges and Lawyers used the Criminals to Collapse the Banks, and Destroy the Economy, and the only solution that the Media and their Politicians and Judges and Lawyers would allow to be passed into Law, was to force the Public to pay for the Problems that the Media and their Politicians and Judges and Lawyers caused so that they could make even more Money off destroying us, and they Bailed out the Banks against the Majority of Public Opinion, so that they can keep using the Legal and Medical Systems to funnel Money into their Pockets, while they continue to destroy our Lives, our Liberty, and our Pursuit of Happiness.
The only Environmental and or Zoning Issues that the Media and their Politicians and Judges Lawyers and will promote and allow to be passed into Law, allows them to continue to destroy the ability of the small Farmers and small Businesses to make a Living, so that the Media and their Politicians and Judges Lawyers may drive them into foreclosure and take their Possessions and Property
The only Health Care Reform that CNN and the Other Media promotes, will allow the Media and their Lawyers and Doctors to make more Money, and have even more Power and even more Protection by the Laws that they promote, to use the Medical System to control and destroy your lives, even if you have committed no Crime, because even if you have committed no Crime, if they don't like your Religious Belief or Political Stance, the Media uses Gossip and Slander and Liable to turn Public Opinion against their Victims, and to get People who have committed no Crime, Medically Misdiagnosed and Medically Maltreated, and every Political thing they Promote makes it so that their Victims cannot afford to take the Media to Court for the Destruction of their Life that the Media Caused.
The Media and their Judges and Lawyer Promoted the Iraq War with nothing but False Intelligence, against the Majority of Public Opinion and better Judgment, so that they could take absolute control of the Economy and funnel even more Money into their Pockets
The Media and their Judges and Lawyer Promoted the Gay Marriage vs Marriage of one Man one Woman, and deliberately would not allow the truth to be aired on the Major Media that their Manmade Marriages outlaw the Children of Israel and the Children of Islam as Bastards, and outlaw the Promised Christ from the loins of Judah, and outlaw the Promised Christ from Mount Ephraim, and outlaws the Members of the Brides of Christ, because their Manmade Laws outlaw the Institution of Married established by the God of Abraham, and outlaws the free exercise of our Religious Belief
Even though we and or our Doctors cannot get our Medical Records so that our Doctors can give us Proper Medical Treatment, when anyone commits a Crime, CNN and the other Media Promotes looking for that Persons Mental Health History, which would be Illegal for them to have access to, because the Mental Health Records are Recorded on that Persons Medical Records, and it would take a Court order for even a Doctor that is not that Persons Doctor to get,, but CNN and the Media and their Doctors can get People''s Mental Health Records with just a Phone Call, because CNN and the Media fabricates lies against People and has Psychiatrist fabricate misdiagnosis to support the false allegations from CNN and the other Media, so that they can take away People's Liberty with just false accusations, Medical Maltreat Them and kill and disable many of them by the Drugs that cause what the Media and their Doctors falsely call Iatrogenic Deaths and Iatrogenic Illnesses.
My Garden Froze this Mourning, and my Doctors still cannot get my Medical Records or my Blood Tests!
It is just August 22, 2009 and this mourning my Garden Plants have white Frost on them, in fact we have only had a few days in the 90s, it has been so cold all Summer the Fruit and Vegetables have not grown to maturity even yet, and normally we have about One and a Half Months from August 22 before the first light Freeze. What happened to these so called experts of Global Warming that they are Promoting, trying to force Carbon Taxes on us to pay to make our Gardens Freeze Even Earlier?
To whom it may concern;
My name is Joseph R Loegering 12808 Orono Rd Elk River MN 55330 Phone 763-355-9135
My Garden Froze this Mourning, and my Doctors still cannot get my Medical Records or my Blood Tests!
It is just August 22, 2009 and this mourning my Garden Plants have white Frost on them, in fact we have only had a few days in the 90s, it has been so cold all Summer the Fruit and Vegetables have not grown to maturity even yet, and normally we have about One and a Half Months from August 22 before the first light Freeze. What happened to these so called experts of Global Warming that they are Promoting, trying to force Carbon Taxes on us to pay to make our Gardens Freeze Even Earlier?
Though yesterday my Doctors still could not find my Blood Tests, and still cannot get my Medical Records to make a decision about my Treatment, they gave me a Prescription for the Insomnia Side Effects of PEGASYS and COPEGASYS, wherein I had not been able to sleep even for a few minutes for four days. But this morning after getting sleeping Pills and getting 8 hours sleep for the first time since I have been on the Medication, I can tell that forty eight weeks of the other bad side effects from this Medication will be a breeze compared to the several years of being forced to suffer bad side effects from Psychotropic Drugs and Antidepressants that disabled me more and nearly killed me. Though the bad Side effects from PEGASYS and COPEGASYS are the same, they are milder and do not fluctuate in strength like the rollercoaster of bad side effects from Psychotropic Drugs and Antidepressants that make you more dysfunctional and totally reliant on others to help you with everything.
This Government has right now kept my Life in Danger of Death, and has placed the lives of every Citizen in Danger of Death, because I and no one else l can get my Medical Records that are Protected as my Private Papers under the US Constitution, and yet this Government is setting up new Records on Computers that I or my Doctors still cannot access to get my Medical Records, and the only People that can access them whenever that they want, are Computer Hackers. Without the Patients having control of all their Medical Records, it is impossible to get any Medical Record System that the Government or Corporations setup to work well enough to give People Proper Medical Treatment. I have spent days, week, and months trying to get copies of my Medical Records from the VA and Civilian Doctors, and still neither I nor my Doctors can get any of them, let alone what my Doctors need to treat me with proper medical treatment. I have several external hard drives and a Laptop that I could use to hand carry my Records to each of the different Doctors that I have, but none of them will give me a Copy of my Medical Records, and my Primary Care Doctor cannot get the Records from the Specialist Doctors, and the Doctors cannot get my Blood Tests to show up on their Computers even though the Lab Faxed it to them several Times, they were still missing three weeks of Blood Tests that were suppose to be sent each time that they drew Blood, but they were still missing when I talked to them last night, but the Staff said it is somewhere in the System and should show up anytime so that my Doctors can make a decision on my treatment. But it only takes three days for a serious infection to develop, and not only being vulnerable to infections because a Rock damaged my Sinus Cavity in the US Army, but this medication having a history of attacking People's Immune System, not being able to get my Blood Test to my Doctors on time places my Life in Danger by this current Medical Records System that The Government is making worse by Placing our Records on their Computers instead of placing them on our Computers were we and our Primary Doctors can use them, and where we can hand carry them to our specialist Doctors
So that the Rich Socialists can take the Possessions and Lands and Businesses of the Poor and all their Opposition using the Legal and Medical Systems, the Socialist planed a Deliberate Genocide of the Poor and all their Opposition, and have been planning and carrying out their Plan for many years, to use the Medications that attack and weaken the Immune Systems of those that they Prescribe the Drugs to, so that they can falsely blame a Viral and or Bacterial Epidemics and Pandemics as the cause of the Death of Hundreds of Thousands, even Millions, across the face of the Earth, like the Swine Flu Pandemic and or Bird Flu Virus.
Many of the Medications that my former Doctors gave me that nearly killed me, contain several different Chemical Compounds that attack and weaken the Immune System. making the Body vulnerable to both Viral and Bacterial Infections. The Drugs have serious side effects that cause harm to most People's Body and Immune System, making entire Communities Vulnerable to both Viral and Bacterial Epidemics and Pandemics. To make a false show of attempting to stop such Epidemics and Pandemics caused by the Compounds in the Medication that the Socialist Medical Community is Prescribing to their Target Victims, that only the Socialist Medical Community has access to their Medical Records to keep track of them, the Socialist Medical Community developed a lot of Fraud Antibiotics that have never worked, but they are passing Laws as Fast as they can so that they can get them to the Victims at Tax Payer and Insurance Payer Expense.
Because my Sinus Cavity was damaged by a Large Rock in the US Army, making it vulnerable to both Viral and Bacterial Infections, the Doctors would give me Medications that have the Compounds that attack and weaken my Immune System, and once my Sinus Cavity became infected, they would treat me with the exact same order of Fraud Antibiotics, one ten day course after another, that would always allow the Infection to get worse and nearly kill me until I could find a Doctor that would give me certain Band Types of Penicillin that the other Doctors would always deliberately deny to give me, because they knew that the real Penicillin would take out the Infection. The current Medications that I am on now, PEGASYS and COPEGASYS, have many of the same Chemical Compounds that attack and weaken my Immune System, and by someone in the Medical Community deliberately blocking my past Prescription Medical Records from getting to my Doctors, the Lab says that they Faxed my Results to my Doctors three times Yesterday, but my Doctors don't have the Fax, and by blocking my Blood Tests from getting from the Lab to my Doctors somehow, they have left me open to another deliberate Medical Community Caused Infection, that I only have one Doctor that knows exactly what Type of Penicillin that I need to get rid of it, and my past Medical Records are all being blocked from getting to that Doctor. I cannot even get my Doctors my VA Medical Records, and they cannot get the Portions of my Records that they need to give me proper Medical Treatment.
The Proper Medical Treatment that I need for a Year, as I am in the fourth week, someone in the Medical Community has already been messing up the Proper Medical Treatment that I need by not faxing my Doctors my Blood Tests or my Medical Drug History, and a very dangerous time for me. The only Doctors that I can get a Copy of my Medical Records from too hand carry to the other Doctors, is my GI Doctors, but my GI Doctors cannot get my Blood Tests from the Laboratories even though another Clinic draws my Blood every Thursday, and none of my Doctors can get any of my Medical Records, or my Drug Prescription History that show what Drugs I am on, or what Drugs that I had been on that had bad side effects, and without my Blood Tests and my Medical Drug History, they cannot decide how to treat me for the bad side effects caused by the PEGASYS and COPEGASYS Medication that is the only Medication that I am on right now. My Doctors right now cannot decide whither to Discontinue the Treatment or to Continue it, or what to do about the side Effects, because they cannot get my Medical Records.
The Banks were deliberately Collapsed by the Rich Socialists in control of the Media and Medical Communities and Legal Communities that took control of the Federal State and Local Governments, the Banks were deliberately Collapsed by them, by forcing as many People as Possible in both Criminal Court and Civil Courts to Borrow Excessive amounts of Money against their Homes and Businesses to Pay off Excessive Court Costs, Lawyer Fees, Fines, Settlements, and Forced Loans to Force the People to get their Homes and Businesses up to Building Codes that are all designed to drive the amount of Money owed on the Hoses and Businesses to a Point where the Property will end up in Foreclose. Because the Banks were being forced by the Courts on Federal and State and Local Levels, the Banks demanded that they be bailed out at Tax Payer Expense. The Media, Politicians, Judged, Lawyers, and Doctors have Placed themselves in a Class where they say that it is Socially Unacceptable for the People outside their Class to try to Socialize with them, and if they do, they will lose their Liberty and be force treated with Behavioral Control Drugs, according to the Doctor, Dr Koo that CNN had and New York City had try to kill me with harmful forced Medical Treatment while denying me the Proper Medical Care that I needed.
It is the Government and their Regulations that is running us all out of business, and is allowing Foreign Powers and Domestic Enemies to use the Mass Media and the Medical Communities and the Legal Systems to destroy the People of these United States.
I had just talked to Two different small Farmers, one woman on Social Security Disability, with her drivers license revoked and $50,000 in Fines, wanted me to try to sharecrop her Farm and help her make payments, as a man came with a foreclosure Notice. I looked at the Land and because the State dug an irrigation ditch that drained all the water off the Land for a water treatment plant, but will not allow the Cattails to be plowed down, or the Tree Growth, there is no way that I could make $250,000 in 20 years off that 10 Acre Farm.
This other woman on Social Security Disability has 10 Acers with Horses, but owes $450,000 after her Husband sued her for his half the Farm and Left. In order to expand her Riding Business through the Winter, so that she could make the Ten Thousand Dollar a Month Payments which are a results of Court and Lawyer Costs from the divorce, the County says that she has to borrow another $150,000 to add Public Restrooms, and add Handicap Access to several different areas, built up to their Building Code Standard or they are going to Shut her down. It is the Government and their Regulations that is running us all out of business. Many People I met at the Food Banks cannot get to work, because their drivers licenses were revoked because of t traffic fines, and they will go to jail if they do not pay thousands of Dollars of Traffic Fines. Many of the Families going into foreclosure owe thousands to tens of thousands in fines that they must pay instead of making house payments.
This lady with the Horse Farm lets disabled People ride Horses there,
and what did not surprise me, two of the Handicapped People were total Invalids, until the Nursing Home Took them off the Psychotropic Drugs and Antidepressants, because it was the Medication making them Invalids. But wait, the Lady that has the Horse Farm that is being foreclosed on too, was made Invalid by Antidepressants, until they took her off them. Everywhere I go here, I find People that were made Invalid by the same Drugs that CNN and Time Warner Cable and the City of New York and the VA repeatedly used to make me nearly totally Invalid, and tried to Murder me with, and they still cannot admit that they are wrong as they continue destroying People's Liberty with false Allegations, and destroying their Lives with Medical Maltreatment, and because these People in the Media and Medical Communities, and in the Government cannot admit that they were wrong and change course and outlaw those disabling Drugs, and arrest anyone who Prescribes them to stop being destructive of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, they need to be driven out of our Government by any means necessary to stop them from destroying People's Lives by the Fraud Medical Treatments, and Medical Malpractice and Medical Maltreatment!
It is the Major Media Like CNN and the Medical Community that has taken over the US Government and Launched a Psychological and Chemical Warfare Attack on the People of these United States
The Food Banks are turning People away when they run out of Food here, there are no Jobs that will pay good enough for anyone to make it. After talking with many of the People in a very long line at the Food Bank, many of them had been placed on Social Security Disability, and the thing that caused many of them to become disabled was the Medical Treatment and the Drugs that the Medical Community gave them.
CNN and the City of New York chose Doctors that were not mine, and forced me to go to them against my will, and nearly killed me by Violating a Court Order and giving me drugs that cause me harm, and nearly killed me by locking me up with violent Criminals who beat me and caused me to begin losing my eyesight faster, and I still can get no proper Medical Care that will help me live a better quality life, I still cannot even get a Doctor that can figure out what is damaged in my eyes or sinus or my brain, and either fix it, or help me deal with it. The only medical treatment that I get that works, is a certain type of Penicillin when my sinus Cavity gets infected, and normally I have to argue with the Doctors because they will not give it to me until I am nearly dead from the infection. Everyone of these Doctors want to keep giving you the same drugs that nearly kill you, my Doctors that I have now know not to do that because they tested and found all the drugs are worthless to me except a certain brand of Penicillin, but if I go out of my area and either have an accident or the Police stop you and want to send you for a Mental Evaluation, those Socialist Doctors will not listen to you and will even force the harmful drugs on you against your will, so how is that not Socialism when I cannot refuse to go to a Doctor that is going to cause me harm, or cannot refuse to take any drug that has already caused me harm? Why has this Government and the Media not gotten the word and and stopped these Doctors from giving out these Drugs that cause people to commit either Suicide or Murder Suicide?
Since every Medication that the Medical Community has given me, has had exactly the same bad side effects but to different strengths, I need to find out if there is a Chemical Compound that is common to all the Medications that have bad side effects and get it OUTLAWED, or OUTLAW all their Drugs because they are a POISON that KILLS People, and they must be Outlawed because these DELUSIONAL Doctors think that if they just keep giving you the same drugs that make you more dysfunctional and nearly kill you, they actually think that somehow miraculously the drug is going to stop killing you and cure you, so they try to force it upon you falsely saying that it is for your own good!
The PEGASYS and COPEGASYS Medication that I have to take 48 weeks for health reasons, has the same bad side effects as the Psychotropic Drugs, Anti Seizure Medications, Antidepressants, and weaker and Generic Antibiotics, they make me more dysfunctional, cause me to be so irritated that I have insomnia that makes me weaker every day as it messes up my daily schedule, causes my mind to wander, and makes me to be disorientated, disorganized, clumsy, and frustrated over not being able to do things that I could do a few weeks ago, which I can no longer do as well or as often, because of the painful muscle cramps from the partial complex seizures that the medication causes, causes me to be both discouraged with the Medical Treatment, and causes me to become overwhelmingly depressed and delusional at times with suicidal thoughts, causes all the original symptoms of Organic Brain Damage to reappear, and causes acute episodes of PSTD, and added bad side effects, irregular and abnormal bowel movements,. but having had the Psychotropic Drugs, Ant Seizure Medication, Antidepressants and weaker and Generic Antibiotics that all have those same bad side effects pushed upon me against my will for years, I know the side effects will not disappear as long as I am on the Medication, but if I can make it a few months on the Medication, the bad side effects become a little more tolerable, and if it gets rid of the Hep C, that would be the only positive effect from the Medication, and that hope that it might work is the only reason that I will try to tolerate the bad side effects. Today I am taking the fourth shot of the 48, the Doctor said he would be able to tell if it is going to work by the end of the eighth week, and if it is not going to work, he would stop the treatment then, because the bad side effects are too devastating to the body, to such a degree I am down to about 172 lbs from 210-200 a year ago, and would lose 10 to 20 more if I keep taking the Medication.
These Medications all eventually have the same type of bad side effects on anyone who takes them for a prolonged period of time, and the bad side effects is why so many of their patients eventually commit suicide or murder suicide, because there is no positive effect at all from the Psychotropic Drugs, Ant Seizure Medications, and Antidepressants, but every time I have an acute episode of PSTD, they always want to treat you with the same drugs that have no positive effects, and cause everything to get worse, and they will not stop forcing the Drugs upon you, because it is Socially acceptable for the Professionals to try to kill you with Medical Treatment, just like in Nazi Germany.
In Service of Yahweh and Country
Lord Joseph
Heir by birthright of the Household of Israel
Do you not know that when you took upon yourselves to conquer the King of Babylon against the will of God, you brought the yoke of the King of Babylon upon you, and bought all the Nations into the bondage of his yoke? Do you not know that you cannot break the yoke of bondage of the King of Babylon that you brought upon yourselves, for only Yahweh can break that yoke by himself choosing and anointing and raising up a good King to replace and break the yoke of the the evil King of Babylon that you brought upon yourselves? A Sword and Famine not brought about by Men, but brought about by Yahweh shall fall upon the Face of all the Earth, and the Evil who miswitness and will not cease and desist from speaking their lies that contradict the Truth revealed by Spirit Yahweh upon me, from the Richest down unto the Poorest, shall rise and go forward, and fall backwards, and become broken by the Arm of Yahweh the God of Abraham, for he speaks to me without respect for their stature, saying, "not by your strength, nor by your wisdom, nor by your Arms, but by my Spirit upon you, you shall deliver my People." In this vision from Yahweh the God of Abraham, I and all my house being all called by name Joseph, as Yahweh calls me the heir by birthright of the house of Israel,, we all labor and eat eating hand to mouth the hidden Manna revealed by Spirit Yahweh to them that he calls, but all across the Earth, the Famine is Great, the Hypocrites not acquainted with Yahweh but speaking lies in his names, have nothing but their own Flesh to eat, and the Sword falls upon the Face of all the Earth because the Oppressors refused to stop